Motor vehicle
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Client Portal
Motor vehicle
How can I take out Allianz MyCar insurance if I already have an MTPL contract somewhere else?
What are the advantages of the e-product?
Which package should I conclude to be able to use the multiple policy discount?
How can I get a Client Portal, and what can I do with it?
All of our clients who have an e-insurance product can register for the Allianz Client Portal, provided that they have accepted the Client Portal contract. Registration for the Client Portal can be initiated by providing the policy number of the e-insurance and the mobile telephone number provided by the policyholder during the conclusion of the e-insurance.
Policyholders can view the details of their insurance contracts and perform certain actions through the Client Portal (including but not limited to online payment by card, amending data, and downloading and requesting documents related to the contracts).
How can I change my package?
The easiest way is to do it online.
You can also change your package in the traditional way, through your sales representative or broker, or through our call centre.
If you add casco coverages to your existing contract, it will entail a risk assessment and an inspection. You can upgrade your package only if the premiums of your contract have been paid at least until the effective date of the change.
Can I change the premium payment method during the year?
How can I terminate my contract with effect from the anniversary?
You can terminate your Allianz MyCar insurance until the 30th day before the anniversary by telephone or in the traditional way, using the change notification form. Please print the completed change notification form, sign it, and send it to us in one of the following ways:
- by sending a scanned copy to the [email protected] e-mail address;
- to the +36 (88) 590 826 fax number;
- in person at one of our customer service points; or
- by post, sent to the following address: Allianz Hungária Zrt. Állománykezelési Központ, 8210 Veszprém, Pf.: 1163.
You can also terminate your MTPL contract on our website, on the platform available under the menu item entitled Online services and the termination of MTPL by the anniversary. You only have to provide your personal data, contract number and registration number for this. However, please note that this option is only available after receiving our premium notification letter (which we will send at the latest by the 50th day before the anniversary).
I have deregistered my vehicle. Can I suspend my Allianz MyCar insurance?
Automatic suspension is only possible in the case of the MTPL coverage; the casco and other coverages will remain effective during the suspension period of the MTPL coverage.
Casco and other coverages cannot be suspended, but the policyholder may request their termination by mutual agreement.
What happens if I pay less than the due premium?
In the case of Allianz MyCar insurance, the policyholder’s payment will be accounted for the MTPL coverage in the first place – regardless of the contract identifier provided – if the contract was concluded with MTPL coverage. Therefore, it may happen that if less premium is paid, the MTPL coverage will remain in force but the casco and other coverages will be terminated due to the non-payment of premiums.
In the case of an Allianz MyCar insurance plan only containing casco and other coverages, the premium paid will be accounted for the casco and the other coverages proportionately, and on a time-proportionate basis.
Will the insurance premium change if my address changes?
Where can I report changes to the details of my vehicle?
How can I take out Allianz MyCar insurance if I already have an MTPL contract somewhere else?
What are the advantages of the e-product?
Which package should I conclude to be able to use the multiple policy discount?
How can I get a Client Portal, and what can I do with it?
All of our clients who have an e-insurance product can register for the Allianz Client Portal, provided that they have accepted the Client Portal contract. Registration for the Client Portal can be initiated by providing the policy number of the e-insurance and the mobile telephone number provided by the policyholder during the conclusion of the e-insurance.
Policyholders can view the details of their insurance contracts and perform certain actions through the Client Portal (including but not limited to online payment by card, amending data, and downloading and requesting documents related to the contracts).
How can I change my package?
The easiest way is to do it online.
You can also change your package in the traditional way, through your sales representative or broker, or through our call centre.
If you add casco coverages to your existing contract, it will entail a risk assessment and an inspection. You can upgrade your package only if the premiums of your contract have been paid at least until the effective date of the change.
Can I change the premium payment method during the year?
How can I terminate my contract with effect from the anniversary?
You can terminate your Allianz MyCar insurance until the 30th day before the anniversary by telephone or in the traditional way, using the change notification form. Please print the completed change notification form, sign it, and send it to us in one of the following ways:
- by sending a scanned copy to the [email protected] e-mail address;
- to the +36 (88) 590 826 fax number;
- in person at one of our customer service points; or
- by post, sent to the following address: Allianz Hungária Zrt. Állománykezelési Központ, 8210 Veszprém, Pf.: 1163.
You can also terminate your MTPL contract on our website, on the platform available under the menu item entitled Online services and the termination of MTPL by the anniversary. You only have to provide your personal data, contract number and registration number for this. However, please note that this option is only available after receiving our premium notification letter (which we will send at the latest by the 50th day before the anniversary).
I have deregistered my vehicle. Can I suspend my Allianz MyCar insurance?
Automatic suspension is only possible in the case of the MTPL coverage; the casco and other coverages will remain effective during the suspension period of the MTPL coverage.
Casco and other coverages cannot be suspended, but the policyholder may request their termination by mutual agreement.
What happens if I pay less than the due premium?
In the case of Allianz MyCar insurance, the policyholder’s payment will be accounted for the MTPL coverage in the first place – regardless of the contract identifier provided – if the contract was concluded with MTPL coverage. Therefore, it may happen that if less premium is paid, the MTPL coverage will remain in force but the casco and other coverages will be terminated due to the non-payment of premiums.
In the case of an Allianz MyCar insurance plan only containing casco and other coverages, the premium paid will be accounted for the casco and the other coverages proportionately, and on a time-proportionate basis.
Will the insurance premium change if my address changes?
Where can I report changes to the details of my vehicle?
What are the advantages of the e-product?
If you provide your e-mail address and mobile number, agree to electronic communication and conclude a Client Portal contract, we will send the documents relating to your contract (with the exception of items containing payment slips) to the e-mail address you have provided.
You can manage your affairs through the Allianz Client Portal online, quickly and conveniently; we will also send you SMS notifications on the most important tasks relating to your contract, so you can rest assured that your insurance is up-to-date.
You can provide your data on our website, to our employees working at a telephone customer service point, our agents or our broker partners.
What is e-communication and how can I use it?
E-communication means that you agree to communicate with Allianz electronically, and that you provide your e-mail address and mobile telephone number for this purpose, and authorise us to send you all documents, statements and notifications related to your contract (e.g. premium notification letters, green cards and letters of demand, with the exception of letters containing payment notices) electronically.
You can provide your data on our website, to our employees working at a telephone customer service point, our agents or our broker partners.
If you would like to manage your affairs online through our Client Portal, choose our e-product.
What kinds of contract amendment can be carried out on the allianz.hu website?
How can I reduce my premium?
How can I take advantage of the Allianz online discount?
When can I use the joint contracts multiple policy discount, and how much is it?
We will give you discount from the premium of your motor third-party liability insurance if at the beginning of the insurance period of the MTPL starting in 2022, you already have a valid contract for one of the following with Allianz Hungária Zrt:
- Allianz Online Home Insurance (with the exception of the Allianz Online Home Insurance Light and Basic Packages); or
- Allianz Home Insurance Plus; or
- Allianz home insurance; or
- Allianz MyHome insurance contract; or
- Allianz Harmony Consumer Friendly Home insurance contract
Or you already have one of the followings, concerning the vehicle insured by the MTPL contract coverage:
- comprehensive Allianz Casco (including insurance coverages for natural catastrophes, theft and breakage); or
- comprehensive Allianz Casco contract of insurance type 252 (including insurance coverages for natural catastrophes, theft and breakage); or
- comprehensive Allianz MyCar motor insurance contract (including insurance coverages for natural catastrophes, theft and breakage) (only in the case of Max packages).
Please note that we can only consider one home or casco insurance contract in respect of the multiple policy discount for your new motor third-party liability insurance (MTPL) coverage, and the discount can only be applied to one motor third-party liability insurance (MTPL) contract based on the same home or casco insurance.
The discount is valid for indefinite term contracts of passenger vehicles, and it does not apply to veteran or fleet vehicles.
Further details can be found in the MTPL tariff book.
Where can I request a premium certificate and a green card?
You can print a premium certificate for yourself through the Client portal, via the www.allianz.hu/ugyfelszolgalat website, or you can request one from a sales representative or at the Allianz client contact points, or on the +36 (1/20/30/70) 421-1-421 telephone number.
Green Cards are not necessary in most European countries (for example in Austria, Germany, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina or Romania). There are some countries that are less visited (by car), where a Green Card is required or recommended, for example in Bulgaria, Greece, Ukraine or Russia. You can find further information by clicking here.
After providing your data on our website, by clicking on ‘Request a Green Card’, you can immediately download and print your Green Card or request it to be delivered by post.
Please use white paper for printing your Green Card.
If you would like to receive your Green Card personally, please contact any of our client contact points where the Green Card is immediately issued for the policyholder if there are no overdue premiums under the relevant contract.
What are the conditions of the discount granted based on the number of people driving the vehicle, and how much is it?
In which cases is the discount for experienced drivers available?
In which cases is the child discount available, and how much is it?
How do I receive the electronic invoice and in what format?
What kinds of contract amendment can be carried out on the allianz.hu website?
If the premium notification letter mentions that the contract data are incomplete, which may also affect the premium, where can I provide the data?
Where can I report changes to the details of my vehicle?
Can I renew a suspended contract from its anniversary, and is it possible to amend a suspended motor third-party liability insurance plan or to change insurers?
When do I have to pay a non-insurance fee?
If you have failed to comply with the operator’s insurance obligation, in the absence of premium payment you must pay a non-insurance fee for the period without insurance cover. This can happen, for example. if the date of the entry into service or the sale of the motor vehicle precedes the date from which you request the insurance cover of your motor third-party liability insurance to start, or if the contract is terminated due to the non-payment of premiums. The non-insurance fee must be paid for all days until the client concludes his new motor third-party liability insurance.
From 1 January 2017, the insurer may take into account the non-insurance periods of the last five years when calculating the non-insurance fee.
What happens if I do not pay the non-insurance fee?
How can I terminate my motor third-party liability insurance contract with effect from the anniversary?
You can terminate your contract on our website, on the platform available under the menu item entitled Online services and the termination of MTPL by the anniversary. You only have to provide your personal data, contract number and registration number for this. However, please note that this option is only available after receiving our premium notification letter (which we will send at the latest by the 50th day before the anniversary).
Of course, you can terminate your insurance until the 30th day before the anniversary by telephone or in the traditional way, using the change notification form. In this case, please print the completed change notification form, sign it, and send it to us in one of the following ways:
- by sending a scanned copy to the [email protected] e-mail address;
- to the +36 (88) 590 826 fax number;
- in person at one of our customer service points; or
- by post, sent to the following address: Allianz Hungária Zrt. Állománykezelési Központ, 8210 Veszprém, Pf.: 1163.
How can I terminate my motor third-party liability insurance because of a sale, change of operator or final deregistration?
You can arrange the termination of your motor third-party liability insurance because of a sale, change of operator or final deregistration via the Client Portal, in person, by post or by fax.
If you do not have a Client Portal registration, please print the completed change notification form, sign it, and send it to us in one of the following ways:
- by sending a scanned copy to the [email protected] e-mail address;
- to the +36 (88) 590 826 fax number;
- in person at one of our customer service points; or
- by post, sent to the following address: Allianz Hungária Zrt. Állománykezelési Központ, 8210 Veszprém, Pf.: 1163.
Is it possible to terminate the contract by telephone in order to change insurers?
Can I withdraw my termination?
Yes, you can withdraw your termination at the latest by 24:00 on the day of the insurance anniversary in writing, by e-mail, by fax or by telephone in any of the following ways:
- through the [email protected] e-mail address;
- on the +36 (88) 590 826 fax number;
- by post, sending it to the address below:
Allianz Hungária Zrt.
Állománykezelési Központ (Portfolio Management Centre)
8210 Veszprém, Pf.: 1163
What does electronic document sending mean?
What you should know about electronic invoices
When can the insurer announce its premium rates?
Since 1 January 2013, the insurer may announce new premium rates at any time, and the new rates must be published on its own website, as well as the websites of the Association of Hungarian Insurance Companies and of the Central Bank of Hungary. The insurer may only apply the rates announced in this way after 60 days from the date of announcement.
The announced premium rates contain distinctions only in favour of our existing clients in terms of determining the premium.
I would like to change insurers. When should I check the offers of different insurers?
Where and how can I pay by card?
What shall I do if the operator is replaced as a result of the termination by legal succession of a legal entity?
How can I ensure that the data necessary for my classification can be queried from the claim history records system?
How can I reduce my premium?
I would like to keep my current contract, but I would like to change the current frequency of premium payment. Would this affect the premium?
Will the insurance premium change if my address changes?
Is it possible to amend the contractual premium during the insurance period of an already concluded contract?
What shall I do if my contract has been terminated because I failed to pay the premium?
How can I conclude an Allianz Casco contract?
The purpose of client account contracts
The client account is a method of premium payment that facilitates the collection of premiums and cash accounting, and it enables the joint management of the premiums and payments relating to the insurance contracts of the same client account holder. The client account contract is an agreement between the client account holder (who is the same person as the policyholder of the insurance contracts) and the insurer, based on which the insurer manages all insurance contracts of the client account holder – covered by the client account – jointly. Among other things, the client account contract contains the conditions of concluding a client account, it specifies the number and types of insurance contracts that can be covered by the client account, it determines the rules of premium payment and invoicing, the requirements of accounting and recording premiums and the conditions of the management of the client account.
Under the client account contract, the insurer issues a combined invoice to the name of the client account holder of the written premiums arising under the different insurance contracts (increased by the accident tax in the case of MTPL contracts) and of the payment transfers.
In accordance with the provisions of the client account contract, the insurer sends all notifications and documents (policy, preliminary information about the payable amount, invoice, notification of cancellation, request for payment etc.) to the client account holder electronically, primarily by posting them on the Allianz Client Portal. In order to gain access, the client account holder must conclude a Client Portal contract and register on the Allianz Client Portal. Registration requires the provision of a mobile telephone number and an e-mail address.
You can view the text of the client account contract by clicking here.
Who can conclude a client account contract?
Which contracts can be covered by a client account contract?
Client account management
Client account holders may manage their client account themselves or they may authorise someone else to manage it. If the client account holder does not have the essential online availability (e-mail address), the client account holder must designate a client account manager who has online access (e.g. a consultant).
If the client account holder manages the client account himself, he can access and download the documents and notifications related to the client account in the Client Portal. He can manage the contracts covered by the client account in the online Client Portal as well. Access to the Allianz Client Portal and the online management of contracts requires registration. During registration, the e-mail address and the mobile telephone number of the client account holder will have to be provided.
The description of the registration process can be accessed by clicking here.
You can request more information from your insurance broker.
Allianz Client Portal
The Allianz Client Portal is an online contract management platform operated by our Company. After registration, our clients become entitled to use the services of the Client Portal; our policyholders can view the details of their contracts, they can initiate transactions in connection with them (amendment, deletion etc.) and they have access to the documents and notifications related to their contracts (e.g. certificates, policies, notices etc.).
The use of the Allianz Client Portal is regulated by the Client Portal contract.
Online contract management
On the online platform, our company publishes up-to-date information about the insurance contracts covered by the client account, and it also provides an opportunity for the online amendment or termination of certain insurance contracts (online contract management). Our colleagues receive the contract amendment requests initiated online almost immediately, and therefore they can perform the required changes in as little time as one working day.
The Allianz Client Portal also makes it possible to upload and submit documents and certificates as images. This is important because, in the case of certain amendment requests (e.g. cancellation), the document substantiating the cause of amendment must also be attached. The transactions performed online ensure that the insurance portfolio and the invoice issued for the fees of the services always correspond to the current data.
The online management of the insurance contracts covered by the client account can be performed by the client account manager. The documents and notifications related to the client account will be received or can be downloaded by the client account manager from the insurer’s online platform.
The term and termination of the client account contract
The client account contract is concluded for an indefinite period at the date specified by the parties in the contract.
The client account contract can be unilaterally terminated by both the client account holder and the insurer in writing without specifying a reason, with 30 days’ notice.
A client account contract concluded with a fleet contract can be terminated together with the fleet contract, according to the rules of termination applicable to the fleet contract.
If, during the year the number of insurance contracts managed under a client account contract falls below five, and it still does not reach five on the starting date of the next insurance period, the client account contract will be terminated from that day. The insurer examines the number of contracts every year, and it notifies the client account holders concerned of the data included in its records.
When the client account contract is terminated, the payment method of those insurance contracts that until then have been covered by the client account contract will be changed to payment by transfer.
How does invoicing take place based on the client account contract?
What you should know about electronic invoices
Pursuant to Section 175 of the VAT Act, invoices can be issued electronically if the client agrees to this. In this case, it is necessary to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the invoice and the data contained in it. Our Company ensures this by means of an advanced electronic signature and a time stamp issued by a qualified service provider.
Electronic invoices are suitable for tax administration identification only in their electronic form; their paper versions cannot be used as a document. The requirements for the use of electronic invoicing, the suitability of invoices for tax administration identification and the method of retaining invoices are provided by the VAT Act and Decree 24/1995 (XI. 22.) PM of the Minister of Finance.
The electronic invoices (e-invoices) issued by our Company comply with the requirements of the VAT Act, the Accounting Act and the laws on electronic invoicing. Authenticity, originality, integrity and protection against unauthorised access are ensured by the advanced electronic signature and the time stamp, as well as by a file with the content and format mandatorily prescribed by the National Tax and Customs Administration (xml file). Our Company ensures the readability of the e-invoice in PDF format.
Electronic signature system
The integrity of the document’s origin and content is ensured by an advanced electronic signature and a time stamp in the electronic signature system. In this case, three actors can be connected to the electronic invoice: the issuer, the electronic signature service provider and the buyer.
The data required for the authenticity and processibility of the electronic invoice issued by our Company are included in the PDF document furnished with a time stamp and an advanced electronic signature. The PDF document and the authenticity of electronic signatures can be verified with the Adobe Acrobat Reader software. If the installed Adobe Acrobat Reader software indicates that the signature is invalid, it is recommended to update the authentication software or to change the security settings.
What you should know about the rules of premium payment under the client account
The content of the invoice
The invoice issued on the basis of a client account contract consists of two parts. The invoice contains the mandatory formal and content elements included in the VAT Act: serial number, date, supplier, buyer, invoice recipient, payment deadline, payable amount etc.
The buyer is the same as the client account holder.
The recipient of the invoice sent by post is the same as the client account manager specified in the client account contract.
We will indicate the number of the client account in the invoice, which is a unique number consisting of 7 characters.
The ‘Invoiced services’ part contains all premium and tax (in the case of motor third-party liability insurance, accident tax) payment requirements that have accrued under the insurance contracts covered by the client account since the issue of the previous invoice (new contracts, amendments, cancellations), along with the summary of these. This is the amount (Invoice total) that must be paid by the payment deadline indicated in the invoice for the period concerned.
The analytics (itemised breakdown) related to the amount indicated here can be found in part II of the invoice.
The ‘Cash accounting for the insurance contracts covered by the client account’ contains the following:
- the opening balance applicable at the time of invoicing (Balance according to the previous cash accounting) – which corresponds to the amount included in the ‘New balance’ box of the previous invoice – in a premium and tax breakdown;
- the amount included in the ‘Invoice total’ box of the current invoice;
- the cash flow booked since the issue of the previous invoice (premiums and taxes to be paid/premium and tax credits);
- the consolidated balance of the receivables under the insurance contracts added to or removed from those covered by the client account after the issue of the previous invoice (Changes in receivables due to the reclassification of contracts);
- the ‘New balance’ valid on the date of issue of the invoice. This contains the unpaid amounts of previously invoiced payable premiums and taxes, and therefore this is the amount to be paid on the basis of all receivables existing at the time of invoicing.
Preliminary checks before invoicing
What are the advantages of the Allianz client account contract?
Consolidated invoice of all insurance contracts: one invoice is prepared per month. It is easier and more time- and cost-effective to monitor and manage it and to keep records of it.
Online contract management: all up-to-date information relating to the insurance contract portfolio is available to the client account manager and the client account holder. Changes occurring in the insurance portfolio can be reported in a modern, fast and secure way, 24 hours a day on all days of the year.
Allianz Client Portal: the client account holder can view and check the current state of his insurance contract portfolio, which makes it easy to follow whether the recorded portfolio corresponds to the data included in the Insurer’s contract recording system.
Preliminary notification of the amount to be paid: it enables the client account manager to check the data kept on record by the Insurer before the invoice is issued, with the help of the data included in the notification, and to initiate the necessary changes. In this way, the invoice to be issued will be prepared in accordance with the actual insurance contract portfolio.
Electronic invoicing: the client account manager has access to the invoice immediately after it has been created. The e-invoice is available and can be downloaded at any time. The use of e-invoices is a secure and environmentally friendly procedure.
Home and liability
How do I determine the sum insured for the assets I would like to insure?
The sum insured must be determined by asset group (asset category) in almost every case; for example apartment, outbuilding, household movables, value-preserving assets etc. Formally, the sum insured is always determined by the policyholder, but in practice, the insurer provides assistance with this. In the case of most common asset groups, such as different buildings and household movables, the insurer shall recommend a sum insured on the basis of the useful floor space of the real estate. In such cases, the insurer uses an average unit price for determining the sum insured, and therefore you must make sure you calculate using the real useful floor area of the property. Of course, it may still happen that the recommended sum insured is not suitable for you because, for example, your home is equipped with more expensive and higher quality coverings or equipment. Therefore, you can modify the recommended sum insured.
It is important to know that you can reduce the recommended sum insured only within certain limits; in this way the insurer helps you to avoid underinsurance. You can freely modify the recommended values upwards, to higher sums insured. However, with regard to sums insured that are much higher than average, the insurer may request an on-site inspection, and it will make a decision on whether to underwrite the risk based on that inspection.
It is worth taking care never to under- or overvalue the real property or movables to be insured. You should always provide real values, (reconstruction or acquisition value – only the latter in the case of movables), and relate the recommended sum insured to these. The reason for this is that the insurer will determine the replacement or restoration value on the basis of real values in the event of damage. In the event of underinsurance, the insurer will compensate for the damage only to the extent of the proportion of the sum insured to the cost of the newly constructed asset or its acquisition cost. The insurer will not pay the injured party any amount higher than the cost of restoring the asset to a new condition or the acquisition cost of a new asset, even in the case of overinsurance.
Why is the security level of my home important?
The insurance terms and conditions include the description of anti-burglary levels and the definitions of property protection terms and the rules for storing assets that retain their value, as well as the service limits dependent on the security level at the time of the occurrence of the damage.
It is important that, in the case of insured events, the insurer will always inspect the security level at the time of the occurrence of the damage, because this will determine the service it provides, based on the provisions set out in the terms and conditions.
The insured real property is collateral for a bank loan. What shall I do?
When purchasing or renovating real property, we often use bank loans. In such cases, the credit institution (mortgagee) requires home insurance as a condition of the disbursement of the loan, and the insurance must usually provide cover for damage caused to the financed property by fire and natural disasters.
The mortgage can be reported by the insured person who takes out the loan, i.e. the mortgagor, upon the conclusion of the insurance contract (e.g. when purchasing a flat) or subsequently, concerning an already concluded home insurance contract. The mortgagor must make a statement in both cases, based on which the mortgage will be recorded in the insurance contract, and the insurer will issue a certificate regarding this.
The modification or cancellation of a registered mortgage requires the consent of the mortgagee. The insurer will inform the policyholder of the insurance contract and the credit institution acting as the mortgagee of the termination of the home insurance contract involving a mortgage.
It is possible to include several mortgages in one home insurance contract. However, at the time of recording a mortgage, the insurer will notify the previous mortgagees of the new record.
Why can the annually payable premium differ from the premium indicated in my offer?
If you did not choose to pay premiums annually, the premium for the full year will be the sum of the premiums according to the payment frequency. The amount of premiums divided according to the payment frequency may differ from the amount of the annual premium due to rounding.
Additionally, the premium payable in the first year following the conclusion of the contract may also be increased by the premium payable for the first partial period. You must pay a premium for a partial period if the commencement of the risk coverage of your contract does not fall on the first day of a month. In such cases, we calculate a prorated premium until the 1st day of the following month (the first anniversary of the contract) from the annual fee on the basis of the length of the partial period.
The first premium payable under the contract will be the sum of the premium for this partial period and the premium calculated for the first period according to the selected premium payment frequency. If the commencement of risk coverage of your contract is the 1st day of a month, the amount of the first payable premium will be equal to the premium calculated for the first period according to the selected premium payment frequency.
How can I pay the premium of my contract?
The policyholder determines the payment method and frequency of the insurance premium, which can be changed upon request.
You can choose from the following payment methods:
Irrespective of the selected payment method, you can pay your insurance premium by card immediately at the www.allianz.hu website. You only need to provide the contract number of your home insurance and your date of birth for this.
Useful tip. The insurance only fulfils its function if the premium of the contract is paid, i.e. if you pay the premium regularly and on time.
In the event that you chose to pay by payment slip, the premium must always be paid by the first day of the next insurance period (month, quarter, half-year or year).
If you pay by bank transfer, the payment deadline must still be taken into consideration or, in the case of direct debit, you must ensure that there are sufficient funds on your bank account when the premium is debited.
The consequence of a failure to pay the insurance premium: under applicable law, your contract will be terminated upon the expiry of the grace period set by the insurer, and your home and assets may remain without coverage.
What does online customer service mean? What are the advantages of this method?
The online channel is one of the most convenient ways of concluding contracts and managing your affairs.
If you provide your email address and your mobile number at the time of concluding the contract, you agree to communicate electronically with the insurer. If you also accept the terms and conditions of the electronic product, in addition to receiving an extra premium discount, you also agree to submit your claims or manage your data changes online. It is also important that you will also receive essential information and documents from the insurer; for example your policy or the indexation notice, to your email address.
Therefore, if your email address changes, please also inform the insurer, since this is how you will be notified of important information regarding your contract.
You can easily manage your affairs related to your home insurance through our Allianz Client Portal: you can view and modify your contract data, download necessary documents and certificates, and submit claims. You need registration to use the Client Portal, the steps of which as well as information about its use can be found under the Client Portal menu of the www.allianz.hu website.
What does indexation mean? Is there anything I have to do about this?
Allianz adjusts the sums insured and the premium of your insurance contract to the changes of price levels every year, thus ensuring that your coverage maintains its value. This annual indexation ensures that in the event of damage, the insurer can provide a service corresponding to the value of the asset even years later. 60 days before the anniversary of your home insurance, you will receive an indexation notice from us containing the sums insured and the premiums for the following one-year period.
Please check before every insurance anniversary whether the sums insured indicated in your indexation notice cover the changes in the real property or your newly purchased assets and request the modification of your contract if necessary. Please also check your personal details when viewing the indexation notice. If there has been any change in those, please report it to Allianz.
What shall I do if the values (sums insured) indicated in my contract have changed?
It is also important to point out that the annual indexation is not necessarily sufficient in the event of a change or increase in value of the insured assets. Not only may your assets increase but, in the case of real estate, the increase in value may also be caused by larger developments, e.g. the extension of the building, loft conversion, modernisation or renovation. It also constitutes a change if the household is equipped with new appliances or more valuable furniture than before.
The contract that was appropriate at the time of conclusion also requires periodic maintenance. It is in your interest to compare the sums insured as indicated in the contract regularly, at least annually, with the value of your existing assets, and initiate the amendment of the contract if necessary.
Sale and purchase of real property
If you sell your property insured with our Company, please notify the insurer of the sale. In this case, we will terminate your contract due to the lapse of insurance interest from the day of the lapse of interest, and we will pay back the excess premium paid in advance for the period following the day of the lapse of interest.
Selling real property is often accompanied by the purchase of another real property. It is very important to have the newly acquired real property insured immediately, from the first day of acquiring ownership, and therefore you should conclude an insurance contract before taking possession if possible.
Can I take out personal accident insurance and life insurance along with my home insurance?
Is it possible to take out life insurance with the Allianz MyHome insurance?
Family life insurance is available as supplementary insurance. The insured person in the contract will be the person designated as the insured person of the home insurance and that person’s cohabiting spouse living at the insured real property, as well as any close relative (e.g. spouse, parents, children or siblings) living in the same household. The insurance covers the death of the insured person occurring for any reason, anywhere in the world. The initial sum insured of the life insurance is determined by the policyholder, and it can be any amount between HUF 200,000 and HUF 2 million that is divisible by 200,000. The coverage can be concluded without a medical examination.
Further details are included in the Client Information and the contract terms and conditions of the Supplementary Family Accident Insurance and Supplementary Family Life Insurance for Allianz MyHome insurance.
What kinds of coverage are included in the supplementary family accident insurance?
Why is Harmony Home insurance consumer friendly?
What kind of assets can be insured?
Building insurance – Permanently inhabited detached houses, semi-detached houses, terraced houses, flats can be insured and structures not indicated separately in the policy (e.g. pavement, fence, gate, car park). Outbuildings, like garage, barn, pigsty or storage building can be insured together with the main building. Insurance for the building covers, among other things, solar panels, solar collectors and heat pumps.
Movables – Household movables can be insured (household equipment, appliances, television, computer and other telecommunication equipment, clothes, furniture, books, instruments, kitchen appliances etc.)
What does the Base package contain?
Can value-preserving assets, jewellery and pieces of art be insured?
Base package cover value-preserving assets up to 200 000 HUF. Values above this covered in the Valuables supplementary insurance.
Considered as valuables:
Can the holiday home or weekend house be insured?
Who can conclude the insurance?
In addition to the Base Package, what supplementary insurance covers are available?
In addition to the Base Package, you can choose from both personal insurances and supplementary insurances.
Personal insurance - accident insurance, family life insurance
Valuables - cash or valuables supplementary insurance
Other assets - special glass, theft of building accessories, graffiti, garden furniture, garden ornamentals, live plant cultures supplementary insurance, and unblocking of drains.
Does it contain coverage for my family members?
Family life insurance and accident insurance are available as supplementary insurances. Life insurance covers the person who named in the insurance policy as an insured person, as well as his or her spouse living with him or her in the place of risk of the property insurance and his or her close relative living in the same household up to the age of 85. Accident insurance policyholders are the same as property insurance policyholders.
The insured person under the property insurance will be a person who has the interest of securing the property and
a) who is
• an owner and co-owner(s)
• a tenant and co-tenant(s)
• a beneficiary
of the real property specified in the policy by the policyholder with a full address (land register reference number)
b) who is a relative permanently living in the same household with the insured person indicated in section a) in the place of risk coverage,
c) in the event that the insured person indicated in section a) does not permanently live in the place of risk coverage but a close relative does then such close relative will also be qualified as an insured person.
What kinds of assets can be insured by the Allianz Home Insurance Plus?
Real property
Movable property:
What does the liability insurance cover?
Both the Mix package and the Complex package provide protection regarding damage caused by you up to the limit of HUF 10 million based on the general and building owner’s liability insurance, which can be extended to up to HUF 30 million if needed.
Liability+ insurance: This is the extended version of the liability insurance coverage included in the packages, in which the place of risk coverage is the European Economic Area and it also includes the territory of Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Switzerland and the Vatican. Our Liability+ insurance will help you to compensate for the damage you have caused if as a cyclist at fault, you cause damage during a collision to the clothing or the valuables of a pedestrian or another cyclist, or if the other party is injured. Furthermore, we will also compensate for any damage caused by your pet in the territory of the countries listed above, for which you as the owner of the animal are liable for compensation.
What are the initial sums insured of the supplementary insurance products, and what are the units in which they can be concluded?
Insurance |
Initial sum insured per unit (HUF) |
Number of units (availability for multiple units) |
Liability+ insurance |
5,000,000 |
6 |
Compensation for lost water |
50,000 |
1 |
Glass+ insurance |
100,000 |
10 |
Vandalism insurance |
100,000 |
10 |
Garden and air conditioning insurance |
500,000 |
20 |
Travel+ insurance |
100,000 |
10 |
Renovation insurance |
500,000 |
20 |
Insurance for motor vehicles stored in garages (per vehicle) |
500,000 |
20 |
Extended motor vehicle protection insurance (per vehicle) |
500,000 |
10 |
Accident insurance for families |
200,000 |
10 |
Life insurance for families |
200,000 |
10 |
Health insurance for families |
30,000 |
5 |
Does the insurance also cover vandalism damage caused to buildings?
In addition to vandalism damage caused during burglary, it also includes damage caused to property protection equipment, gates, gate opening systems, intercom systems, front doors and garage doors, and damage caused by the vandalism, removal or appropriation of building accessories located in the common areas of the building or of building fittings attached to the ground that are outdoors due to the nature of their use.
Damage caused to the external walls or cladding of the insured building by painting or scribbling (graffiti damage).
What is the unemployment premium insurance?
What is the extended motor vehicle protection insurance?
What is the discount for duration, and how can I use it?
The policyholder is entitled to a discount for duration regarding the Allianz Condominium Insurance Plus product if he agrees that during a period selected by him, he will not terminate the contract due to the non-payment of premiums or by termination at the anniversary. In return, the insurer gives a discount from the contractual premium depending on the length of the period selected.
The policyholder may select a period between 1 year and 5 years by indicating, during the conclusion of the contract, the length of the period he is able to undertake.
Is it possible to conclude the contract with an excess?
The Allianz Condominium Insurance Plus contract can be concluded both with and without an excess. The amounts of the available excesses are HUF 20,000 and HUF 40,000.
If the contract is concluded with an excess, the insured person will bear a part of the damage himself in the cases and to the extent specified in the special insurance terms and conditions, on the grounds of excess. The insurer will not deduct any excess in the case of liability insurance, liability insurance for residents’ representatives, group personal accident insurance or insurance for the compensation of lost water, even if the contract contains an excess.
In terms of the excess, the insurer will treat as separate insured events all losses that are connected in time and occur in the properties registered under separate topographical lot numbers within the insured building (in this respect, the areas jointly owned by the condominium/cooperative will also be considered a separate property), and in such cases it will deduct the excess separately.
What are the initial sums insured of the supplementary insurance products, and what are the units in which they can be concluded?
Can the condominium insurance be managed online?
How can the movable properties owned by the residents be insured?
What do we mean by energy-conscious systems? How can they be insured?
Can the movable properties located in the shared storage be insured?
Does the insurance cover damage to the lifts?
Is immediate assistance available in an emergency?
What is covered by the basic insurance?
Who can take out the insurance?
Can it be concluded for a bank loan?
What kinds of properties can be insured?
How long can the duration of the contract be?
Its duration must be at least six months and it cannot exceed one year.
The duration of the insurance will be determined based on the construction and installation project documentation, and it is not dependent on the term of the disbursed loan. In the case of projects lasting more than a year, the insurance protection can be extended for the remaining period by concluding a new contract.
How can I take out the insurance?
Does the insurance contain an excess?
How can I pay the premium?
The part of plot bordered by building structure on all sides.
Protection against breakage:
The barrel of a cylinder lock is protected against breakage if on the external side (and also on the internal side with regard to grille doors and glass pane doors, where the internal side of the lock barrel is also accessible) it stands out by a maximum 2 mm from the plane of the door, the strike plate, the levelling metal plate or rosette.
Protection against bolts being drawn:
The fixed wing of a two-wing door is protected against the bolts being drawn if the bolts of the wing (sliding-, kick-over or turning bolts) resist displacement by external pressure. (These include, for example, a wood-screw pushed through the bolt, or a wedge screwed down from inside under the fixed wing, etc.) Bolt locks meet the requirements of protection against bolts being drawn.
Security lock:
Locks (and their holding structures) that are considered security locks include security padlocks recommended (formerly classified) by Mabisz, as well as locks equipped with a minimum 5-pin cylinder lock and locks equipped with a minimum 6-rotor magnetic lock, as well as lamellar locks qualified as “security locks” by Mabisz. Each of these locks must offer at least 10,000 variations.
Active locking point:
Active locking point is a locking element that can be directly or indirectly moved by an opening/locking structure (key).
Passive locking point:
Passive locking points include all locking elements that cannot be operated with a key. Flap hinges and passive locking pins (that protect against displacement by pressure) can all be regarded as one passive locking point.
Protection against the removal of the door:
A technical solution installed originally or subsequently on the door that prevents the locked door from being lifted from the hinges in the event of an attack from outside.
Protection against the door/window being pried:
A technical solution that effectively delays or prevents the door/window from being pried from outside. A fundamental precondition is the high accuracy of closure, but armouring the frame and the edges of the door panel or a cross-bar door lock are also appropriate.
Accuracy of closure:
The greatest distance (mm) measured between the door panel and the sides of the door-frame when the door is shut.
Protection against drilling:
A lock or lock cylinder is protected against drilling if it cannot be drilled due to anti-drilling elements installed originally or subsequently, or when the lock will not open even after being drilled.
Protection against lock-picking:
A lock is protected against lock-picking if it can only be operated using a designated device. Such protection is provided by locks with two or multiple rows of locking pins, as well as lock barrels operating on various principles of physics.
Independent locking point:
Independent locking points are locking points (latches, deadlocks) that are at least 30 cm apart.
Lock depth:
The distance that a latch travels when extended into the latch cavity (frame).
Property protection films:
Property protection (security) films installed on the internal side of panes of glass by professionals, which hold the glass in place when broken.
Security glasses:
Glass structures manufactured by incorporating property protection films between layers of glass or other transparent materials with “resistant to throw” (P1A, P2A, P3A, P4A, P5A), or “resistant to axe attack” (P6B, P7B, P8) classifications due to their characteristics arising from the thickness of their layers and their composition.
Mechanical security levels
Security level 1
The requirements of Level 1 protection are satisfied by locked premises where the enclosing structures (and roof) provide protection against both unauthorised access and displacement.
Security level 2
- Walls, floor slabs: the stability of the enclosing structures of premises used for the storage of insured property items shall be identical with that of 6 cm thick walls made from small, solid bricks.
- Windows, balcony doors (loggia doors), peep windows, skylights and sidelights: all glass surfaces shall be at least 5 mm thick in each window or door. If the glass panels’ thickness is less than 5 mm, the panels shall be covered with a property protection film on the internal side.
- Entrance doors, garage doors: shall be locked by 2 security locks or 1 security lock equipped with an anti-breakage device.
The bolts of two-wing entrance doors and balcony doors shall be equipped with an anti-draw device.
The following measures also comply with the requirements of Level 2 protection:
Security level 3
- Walls, floor slabs, roof structures: the stability of the enclosing structures of premises used for the storage of insured property items shall be identical to that of 12 cm thick walls made from small, solid bricks.
- Windows, balcony doors (loggia doors), peep windows, skylights and sidelights: all glass surfaces in each window or door shall be at least 5 mm thick.
If the lower edge of any window or door is
- Entry doors and garage doors:
The locking mechanisms of the doors shall include
Protection against breakage shall be ensured by a strike plate, levelling metal plate or rosette made of heavy metal and the locking depth of the lock protected against breakage shall be at least 14 mm.
In the case of mortice locks, the exterior of the wooden door panel shall be reinforced – from the outside – along the vertical axis of the lock case with a metal plate that cannot be removed without being damaged, and is at least twice as high as the lock case.
The accuracy of closing between the door panel and the frame shall be a maximum 4 mm on each side, or a maximum 6 mm in the case of hardwood doors. The distortion of the door panel and the frame shall not affect securely closing it.
The door panels shall be attached to the frame with a minimum of 3 barrel hinges – or any other pivot hinges having the same strength.
The bolts of two-wing entrance doors and balcony doors shall be equipped with an anti-draw device.
The requirements of Level 3 protection are also met by a minimum 12 cm thick, triple or multiple layer sandwich structure.
As elements of Level 3 protection, doors and windows recommended (previously certified) by Mabisz as "elements of partial mechanical protection" are also acceptable.
P2A (A1) and P3A (A2) security glasses recommended by Mabisz and meeting the requirements of Hungarian standard MSZ EN 356:2000 also comply with the requirements of Level 3 protection.
Security level 4
- Walls, floor slabs, roof structures: the stability of the enclosing structures of premises used for the storage of insured property items shall be identical to that of 38 cm thick walls made from small, solid bricks.
- Windows, balcony doors (loggia doors), peep windows, skylights and sidelights: all glass surfaces shall be at least 6 mm thick in each window or door.
If the lower edge of any window or door is
Grilles can be substituted with anti-breakage, multilayer – minimum P6B (B1) degree – security glass panels or glass structures providing the same level of protection and recommended (previously certified) by Mabisz as elements of overall mechanical protection.
Glass panels suitable for the replacement of grilles can only be mounted on frames recommended (previously certified) by Mabisz as elements of overall mechanical protection. The casements and frames of windows shall be stronger than or at least equivalent to the resistance of the glass structure in terms of attack and resistance
- Entry doors and garage doors: structures recommended (previously certified) by Mabisz as elements of overall mechanical protection.
In the case of mortice locks, the exterior of the wooden door panel shall be reinforced – from the outside – along the vertical axis of the lock case with a metal plate that cannot be removed without being damaged, and is at least twice as high as the lock case.
Within Level 4 protection, mechanisms recommended (previously certified) by Mabisz as "elements of overall mechanical protection" are also acceptable.
Electronic alarm system
The alarm system shall be placed in a protected area with a protective cover against sabotage of at least 1 mm annealed steel or material of equivalent solidity. All rooms having some connection with the outside world shall be equipped with a combination of elements signalling intrusion by unauthorised persons.
The minimum combinations of intrusion signalling elements are the following:
If the remote surveillance company has no field security staff that in the area, the insurer also accepts arrangements where the remote surveillance company notifies the police directly (via telephone).
The electronic signalling system cannot be taken into account if it notifies only individuals or if it is not connected to a remote surveillance service (and provides local alarm signals only.)
The installation of electronic signalling systems exceeding the above minimum requirements can be taken into account by the insurer on a case-by-case basis, subject to individual assessment.
Rules for storing value-preserving assets
Value-preserving assets can only be stored in rooms used for residential purposes.
Value-preserving assets falling under section (a) applicable to those assets can be stored in any way according to your choice up to the value limit of HUF 1 million, but assets above that value can only be stored in a metal box or safe certified by Mabisz for the appropriate value limit*.
Value-preserving assets falling under section (b) applicable to those assets can be stored in any way according to your choice, without any value limit.
Requirements for safes:
Metal boxes or safes must be installed in accordance with the requirements of Mabisz.
(*) Value limits will be doubled between levels A and E if the safes are equipped with drilling and opening sensors and connected into the electronic alarm system.
Life and health
How can I decide which Life Program best suits my needs?
What are the available investment options?
Our target date Funds (for HUF based Life Programs CDA, CDB, CDC, CDD, CDE, CDF, CDG, for EUR based Life Programs CEC, CED, CEE)) are especially suitable for the investment of retirement savings, since the proportion of risky investments in the Fund decreases as the target date approaches. In addition to this, for the implementation of your investment plans, you can also select the options that are the most suitable for you from the extensive Funds we offer. The Allianz Life Programs with a pension clause offer various Funds that can be individually compiled, among which all common fund types are available.
Your choice of Fund depends on your risk appetite. You as the Policyholder are entitled to choose from the different Funds. The investment risk is also borne by you as the Policyholder.
What does the insurance protection cover?
Bank account number
Bank account number for receiving premiums: OTP Bank Nyrt: 11794008-21349434-00000000
Should you need more information, do not hesitate to contact your consultant, or call one of the following telephone numbers, and our colleagues will be happy to help you: +36 (1/20/30/70) 421-1-421.
What are the costs of the contract?
How can I invest any ad hoc extra income?
You can also include your ad hoc extra income in the contract, even in the short term, by paying a top-up premium.
We provide the following to you regarding top-up premiums:
- Easy access and competitive returns.
- Flexibility as in the case of bank accounts, which means that you can access your investments at any time.
- We provide all this in a cost-effective manner, since only a 1.19% fund management/asset-proportionate cost will be charged on the amount invested by you.
How can I amend the contract during its term?
If you choose a Life Program, you can change both your investments and your insurance protection during the term, taking the restrictions into consideration. To ensure that you make responsible and effective decisions, your financial consultant will be at your disposal throughout the whole term.
Regarding your savings,
- you can choose a new fund distribution for your investments at any time;
- you can profitably invest larger one-time amounts at any time in addition to your regular savings;
- you can also invest your top-up and regular savings according to different fund distributions.
Regarding your insurance,
- you can extend the insurance protection to someone who is important to you;
- you can change the insurance protection according to your current life situation;
- you can increase or reduce the sums insured.
Please note that, for contracts concluded after 31 December 2016, the above amendments concerning the insurance protection can be initiated from the second year of the insurance term.
Contracts concluded before that can be amended at any time during their term. For information about amendment options, please click here.
To whom do we not recommend concluding an Allianz Life Programs contract?
In the following cases, the Allianz Life Programs (Allianz Life Program, Allianz Bonus Life Program and Single Premium Allianz Life Program) are not the insurance for you:
- If you do not want to conclude a unit-linked contract or to bear the risk of investment.
- If you are looking for life insurance with regular premium payments for a short term (shorter than 5 years).
- If you specifically want insurance protection in your contract, without any savings or investment.
- The Bonus Life Program contract is not recommended in the case of savings targets planned for a period shorter than 14 or 15 years.
What is a Loyalty Bonus credit?
Who can conclude a pension insurance contract?
In which cases can I claim a pension insurance service?
Pension insurance helps to lay the foundation for carefree retirement years by providing a pension insurance service in the case of the following insured events.
- the insured person becomes entitled to pension in their own right according to the law on social security pension (retires); or
- the insured person’s health is impaired at least to a degree of 40%, provided that, at the time of the conclusion of the pension insurance contract, the health impairment of the primary insured person did not reach 40%; or
- the insured person reaches the general retirement age applicable to them at the time of the conclusion of the pension contract.
What is the duration of the available annuity services?
Can I claim a lump sum pension insurance service?
Lump sum services can be provided in the following cases:
- If the pension insurance contract has existed for at least 10 years before you become entitled to pension in your own right or before you reach the general retirement age.
- If the beneficiary claims the service due to a health impairment of more than 40%.
- If, pursuant to Section 89(8) of Act CXVII of 1995 on Personal Income Tax, the monthly amount of the pension insurance allowance does not reach the statutory amount (HUF 5,000 in the case of contracts concluded after 31 December 2016, and HUF 10,000 in the case of contracts concluded before that).
What kinds of contributions must be paid for pension insurance services?
For which payments is the tax credit available? How much tax credit is available?
A 20% tax credit of a maximum HUF 130,000 is available for the (regular, top-up and single) premiums paid for the contract. Even a total annual tax credit of HUF 280,000 can be achieved in the case of pension insurance, retirement savings accounts (RSA) and voluntary pension fund payments, but no tax relief is available for the costs (fees) of risk insurance.
The tax relief is credited to the pension insurance contract. It corresponds to 20% of the annually paid premiums but cannot exceed HUF 130,000.
In which cases do I have to repay the tax credit?
What are the available investment options?
Our target date Funds (for HUF based Life Programs CDA, CDB, CDC, CDD, CDE, CDF, CDG, for EUR based Life Programs CEC, CED, CEE)) are especially suitable for the investment of retirement savings, since the proportion of risky investments in the Fund decreases as the target date approaches. In addition to this, for the implementation of your investment plans, you can also select the options that are the most suitable for you from the extensive Funds we offer. The Allianz Life Programs with a pension clause offer various Funds that can be individually compiled, among which all common fund types are available.
Your choice of Fund depends on your risk appetite. You as the Policyholder are entitled to choose from the different Funds. The investment risk is also borne by you as the Policyholder.
What does the insurance protection cover?
What are the costs of the contract?
How can I pay the premiums of the contract?
The premium can be paid by bank transfer, direct debit or postal money order to the following bank accounts of the insurer:
for contracts concluded after 1 October 2019:
- OTP Bank Nyrt: 11794008-21349434-00000000
for contracts concluded after 31 December 2016:
- OTP Bank Nyrt: 11794008-21349434-00000000
- Takarékbank Zrt. (it was called Takarék Kereskedelmi Bank Zrt. before 31 October 2019, and FHB Bank Zrt. before 16 April 2018): 18100002-00001191-21010103
for contracts concluded before 31 December 2016:
- Takarékbank Zrt. (it was called Takarék Kereskedelmi Bank Zrt. before 31 October 2019, and FHB Bank Zrt. before 16 April 2018): 18100002- 00001191-21010103
How can I invest any ad hoc extra income?
You can also include your ad hoc extra income in the contract, even for a short term, by paying a top-up premium.
We provide the following to you regarding top-up premiums:
- Easy access and competitive returns.
- Flexibility as in the case of bank accounts, which means that you can access your investments at any time.
- We provide all this in a cost-effective manner, since only a 1.19% fund management/asset-proportionate cost will be charged on the amount invested by you.
How can I amend the contract during its term?
If you choose a Life Program with a pension clause, you can change both your investments and your insurance protection during the term, taking the restrictions into consideration. To ensure that you make responsible and effective decisions, your financial consultant will be at your disposal throughout the term.
Regarding your savings,
- you can choose a new fund distribution for your investments at any time;
- you can profitably invest larger one-time amounts at any time in addition to your regular savings;
- you can also invest your top-up and regular savings according to different fund distributions.
Regarding your insurance,
- you can extend the insurance protection to someone who is important to you;
- you can change the insurance protection according to your current life situation;
- you can increase or reduce the sums insured.
Please note that, for contracts concluded after 31 December 2016, the above amendments concerning the insurance protection can be initiated from the second year of the insurance term.
Contracts concluded before that can be amended at any time during their term. For information about amendment options, please click here.
What is a Loyalty Bonus credit?
How can I decide which Care Program best suits my needs?
What does the insurance protection cover?
What are the available investment options regarding my top-up payments?
For the implementation of your investment plans regarding the top-up premium, you can select the options that are the most suitable for you from the extensive asset funds we offer. The Allianz Care Programs offer various asset funds that can be individually compiled, among which all common fund types are available. We want to make it easier for you to choose, and therefore you can also choose from our pre-compiled portfolios.
Your choice of asset fund depends on your risk appetite. You as the Policyholder are entitled to choose from the different asset funds. The investment risk is also borne by you as the Policyholder.
What are the costs of the contract?
How can I pay the premiums of the contract?
Bank account number for receiving premiums: OTP Bank Nyrt: 11794008-21349434-00000000
Should you need more information, do not hesitate to contact your consultant, or call one of the following telephone numbers, and our colleagues will be happy to help you: +36 (1/20/30/70) 421-1-421.
How can I invest any ad hoc extra income?
You can also include your ad hoc extra income in the contract, even for a short term, by paying a top-up premium.
We provide the following to you regarding top-up premiums:
- Easy access and competitive returns.
- Flexibility as in the case of bank accounts, which means that you can access your investments at any time.
- We provide all this in a cost-effective manner, since only a 1.19% fund management/asset-proportionate cost will be charged on the amount invested by you.
How can I amend the contract during its term?
If you choose a Life Program with a pension clause, you can change both your investments and your insurance protection during the term, taking the restrictions into consideration. To ensure that you make responsible and effective decisions, your financial consultant will be at your disposal throughout the term.
Regarding your savings,
- you can choose a new fund distribution for your investments at any time;
- you can profitably invest larger one-time amounts at any time in addition to your regular savings;
- you can also invest your top-up and regular savings according to different fund distributions.
Regarding your insurance,
- you can extend the insurance protection to someone who is important to you;
- you can change the insurance protection according to your current life situation;
- you can increase or reduce the sums insured.
Please note that, for contracts concluded after 31 December 2016, the above amendments concerning the insurance protection can be initiated from the second year of the insurance term.
Contracts concluded before that can be amended at any time during their term. For information about amendment options, please click here.
To whom do we not recommend concluding an Allianz Care Programs contract?
In the following cases, the Allianz Care Programs (Allianz Care Program and Allianz Care Program Plus) are not the insurance for you:
- If you would like to provide insurance protection for yourself and your family through traditional insurance.
- If you do not want to pay a top-up premium or bear the risk of the investment of the top-up premium during the contract term.
- If you are specifically looking for investment solutions without insurance protection.
- The Care Program Plus contract is not recommended in the case of insurance targets planned for a period shorter than 5 years.
What is a no-claims bonus credit?
How can I decide which euro-based Life Program best suits my needs?
What are the available investment options?
For the implementation of your investment plans, you can select the options that are the most suitable for you from the asset funds we offer. The Allianz Life Programs – Euro offer various asset funds that can be individually compiled, among which all common fund types are available.
Your choice of asset fund depends on your risk appetite. You as the Policyholder are entitled to choose from the different asset funds. The investment risk is also borne by you as the Policyholder.
What does the insurance protection cover?
What are the costs of the contract?
How can I pay the premiums of the contract?
You can make your top-up payment to the following account number:
OTP Bank Nyrt.:
In the case of contracts concluded before 1 October 2019, we also use the following account:
Takarékbank Zrt. (it was called Takarék Kereskedelmi Bank Zrt. before 31 October 2019, which was called FHB Bank Zrt. before 16 April 2018): 18100002-00001191-21010103
Should you need more information, do not hesitate to contact your consultant, or call one of the following telephone numbers, and our colleagues will be happy to help you: +36 (1/20/30/70) 421-1-421.
How can I invest any ad hoc extra income?
You can also include your ad hoc extra income in the contract, even for a short term, by paying a top-up premium.
We provide the following to you regarding top-up premiums:
- Easy access and competitive returns.
- Flexibility as in the case of bank accounts, which means that you can access your investments at any time.
- We provide all this in a cost-effective manner, since only a 1.19% fund management/asset-proportionate cost will be charged on the amount invested by you.
How can I amend the contract during its term?
If you choose a euro-based Life Program, you can change both your investments and your insurance protection during the term, taking the restrictions into consideration. To ensure that you make responsible and effective decisions, your financial consultant will be at your disposal throughout the term.
Regarding your savings,
- you can choose a new fund distribution for your investments at any time;
- you can profitably invest larger one-time amounts at any time in addition to your regular savings;
- you can also invest your ad hoc and regular savings according to different fund distributions.
Regarding your insurance,
- you can extend the insurance protection to someone who is important to you;
- you can change the insurance protection according to your current life situation;
- you can increase or reduce the sums insured.
Please note that, for contracts concluded after 31 December 2016, the above amendments concerning the insurance protection can be initiated from the second year of the insurance term. Contracts concluded before that can be amended at any time during their term. For information about amendment options, please click here.
To whom do we not recommend concluding a euro-based Allianz Life Programs contract?
In the following cases, the Allianz Life Programs – Euro (Allianz Life Program – Euro and Allianz Bonus Life Program - Euro) are not the insurance for you:
- If you do not want to conclude a unit-linked contract or to bear the risk of investment.
- If you are looking for life insurance with regular premium payments for a short term (shorter than 5 years).
- If you specifically want insurance protection in your contract, without any savings or investment.
- The Bonus Life Program - Euro contract is not recommended in the case of savings targets planned for a period shorter than 14 or 15 years.
What is a Loyalty Bonus credit?
Who can conclude a YieldMax contract?
With what amounts can the YieldMax contract be concluded?
When can the contract be repurchased?
How does the insurer announce the yields?
What does the insurance protection cover?
What services are available under a YieldMax contract?
To whom do we not recommend concluding a YieldMax contract?
In order to ensure that you can manage your insurance affairs as conveniently and quickly as possible, from now on you can also submit the majority of our personal insurance forms by e-mail (signed and scanned) to our company.
Please read our information notice carefully, from which you can find out what these forms are and how you can send them to our company.
Only those forms that require the signature of only one person (for example the policyholder or the insured person) can be sent in this way. A form cannot be submitted by e-mail, for example, if it must also be signed by the insured person in addition to the policyholder.
We will only make a payment based on a declaration sent in by e-mail if you request the payment to be made to the default payment account recorded in the contract. Payments are made within the deadline specified in the contract terms.
Please note that the account for outpayments can be different from the premium payment account determined in the contract. If you are not sure whether your contract includes a registered default account for outpayments, please inquire on the +36 (1/20/30/70) 421-1-421 telephone number.
Another very important condition is that we only make payments based on documents received by e-mail if our client has been previously identified. This identification means that the beneficial owner’s statement and the identification form were completed during the conclusion or term of the contract, and there has been no change in the data provided in these documents, or you have already reported the changes to our company.
For easier identification, please include your contract number in the subject line of the email.
For the fast management of your case, it is extremely important that you complete the forms in full.
Our forms that can be submitted by e-mail (the documents listed can also be sent by fax):
Travel insurance
What types of travel insurance are available?
The following Allianz travel insurance products are available on the allianz.hu website.
- Útitárs travel insurance. We recommend this type of insurance to everyone planning a city break or holiday abroad with their family, partner, friends or alone, or to anyone who travels abroad to study or work. Available in a Silver, Gold or Platinum package.
- Téli Sportok travel insurance. We recommend this type of insurance to winter sports lovers who prefer doing winter sports on designated courses. Beyond skiing and snowboarding, you can get it for sledding, snowshoe hiking, ice-skating, snowmobiling, dog-sledding, snow rafting and bobsleighing. Available in a Gold or Platinum package.
- Extrém Sportok travel insurance. We recommend this type of insurance to true adventure-seekers who choose extreme sports or off-piste winter sports for recreation. Available in a Gold or Platinum package.
- Útitárs XL travel insurance. We recommend this type of insurance to those who plan to stay abroad longer as tourists or for work or study and have not reached the age of 70 yet. Available in a Silver, Gold or Platinum package at a favourable premium.
- Útitárs Bérlet travel insurance. We recommend this type of insurance to those who travel within Europe several times a year but never longer than for 30 days at a time, and have not reached the age of 70 yet. Available in a Silver, Gold or Platinum package at a favourable premium.
- Autó Assistance supplemental travel insurance. We recommend this type of insurance (roadside assistance) to those who hit the road in a car or on a motorbike that is no more than 15 years old.
For the details of our travel insurance products, please visit our Travel insurance types page.
For what period can I take out travel insurance?
You can take out the following Allianz travel insurance products for a minimum of 1 day and a maximum of 90 days:
You can take out the following Allianz travel insurance products for a minimum of 4 months and maximum of 12 months:
You can get the following Allianz travel insurance only in combination with one of the above travel insurance products and for the insurance period of the combined travel insurance (for 1-90 days or 4-12 months):
What do our travel insurance products cover?
The Allianz travel insurance products include the following services:
The services can vary depending on the type of travel insurance you choose. This information is not comprehensive; detailed information is included in the contract terms and conditions.
What is not covered by the travel insurance products?
The Allianz travel insurance products do not cover the following:
- chronic disease, if the disease required treatment during the 12 months before the trip;
- trips to areas the visiting of which is not recommended by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade;
- extreme sports (except for the Extrém Sportok travel insurance, and in the case of certain sports travel insurance with a Platinum package);
- winter sports (except for the Extrém Sportok travel insurance, and in the case of the Téli Sportok travel insurance when doing sports on a designated track);
- competitive sports (except for the Extrém Sportok travel insurance);
- travels to the area of the Arctic or the Antarctic;
- living abroad for more than 90 days (except for the Útitárs XL);
- living abroad for more than 1 year in the case of the Útitárs XL;
- physical work (if the extra premium is not paid);
- professional driving (if the extra premium is not paid);
- being under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
- acts of terrorism (except for certain services of the health insurance, accident insurance and luggage insurance);
- the insured event is caused intentionally;
- and the cases mentioned among the exclusions and exemptions in the terms and conditions.
This information is not comprehensive; detailed information is included in the contract terms and conditions.
What kinds of discounts are available?
The following discounts are available for the Allianz travel insurance products:
Which areas do the travel insurance products cover?
The Allianz travel insurance products cover the following areas abroad without an extra charge:
The Extrém Sportok, Útitárs XL and Útitárs Bérlet travel insurance can only be taken out for the above areas.
The Útitárs and Téli Sportok travel insurance products can be extended to the following areas by paying an extra charge:
For which sports can the travel insurance products be taken out?
The Allianz travel insurance products cover recreational sports. Recreational sports include, for example, football, running, cycling, hiking on designated paths below 3,000 m, riding, snorkelling, swimming, volleyball, tennis and hunting.
Allianz travel insurance products with a Platinum package also cover the following extreme sports:
The Gold and Platinum packages of the Téli Sportok travel insurance cover the following winter sports (on designated tracks):
The Gold and Platinum packages of the Extrém Sportok travel insurance cover, for example, the following extreme and winter sports (including off-piste):
Only in the Platinum package, the Téli Sportok travel insurance covers, for example, the following extreme sports:
Furthermore, the Extrém Sportok travel insurance also covers extreme and winter sports as well as recreational sports under competitive conditions.
In the case of extreme sports not specified in the contract terms, you can request an individual permission for taking out travel insurance at our telephone customer service on the +36 (1/20/30/70) 421-1-421 number.
Is it possible to take out travel insurance on the day of travelling?
The Allianz travel insurance products can be taken out online on our website even 2 hours before travelling, in a few minutes, while you are still in the territory of Hungary.
In the case of travel insurance taken out on the day of travelling, the insurer’s risk coverage starts from the second hour after the payment of the premium. Services provided under luggage insurance and accident insurance in the event of a traffic accident are exceptions to this.
Is it possible to take out insurance from abroad?
What is the Allianz Travel Insurance Loyalty Programme?
The Allianz Travel Insurance Loyalty Programme is an online discount programme for our regular clients, which we created to reward your loyalty and travels from the very first time.
Anyone can participate in the discount programme; registration is free and only takes a few minutes. You only have to provide a name, e-mail address, telephone number and password during registration.
The discount programme consists of four levels:
1. On the first level, we already reward you when you take out your first travel insurance after registration. This means a 5% discount if you choose the Silver package, 10% if you choose the Gold package and 15% if you choose the Platinum package (in addition to the 10% online discount).
2. On the second level, you will be entitled to a 5% discount when you take out the next travel insurance, regardless of the package you choose (in addition to the 10% online discount).
3. You will reach the third level when the total amount of your travel insurance products taken out online exceeds HUF 13,500. In this case, you will be entitled to a 10% discount when you take out the next travel insurance, also regardless of the package you choose (in addition to the 10% online discount).
4. You will reach the fourth and highest level when the total amount of your travel insurance products concluded online exceeds HUF 20,000. In this case, you will be entitled to a 15% discount when you take out the next travel insurance, also regardless of the package you choose (in addition to the 10% online discount).
If you reach the highest level, we will offer a total discount of 25%, which we provide every time you purchase travel insurance through your loyalty programme account.
What should you do if you have not received the policy by e-mail?
How can I choose from the different assistance insurance products?
What kinds of services are provided under this insurance?
The service provided by the insurer can be a financial, call-out or other service based on the special terms and conditions of Assistance insurance products.
The insurer will direct its authorised agent to the scene of the insured event in order to lift the emergency. The insurance service covers the fees and call-out costs required to deal with the emergency.
How much are the service fees?
How can I use the assistance service?
The insured person or the person entitled to use the service (claimant) must report the insured event immediately, but at the latest within 24 hours of becoming aware of it, by telephone to the insurer’s telephone customer service available 24 hours a day.
If calling from Hungary, the primary emergency telephone number is: 06 (80) 104-122.
If calling from outside Hungary, and if the primary telephone number is unavailable, the following telephone number should be used: +43-1-525-03-6552.
The telephone customer service will determine the available services based on the insurance terms.
If the insured person or the person entitled to use the service subsequently requests additional related services due to circumstances not yet known at the time of making the claim, the permission of the telephone customer service must also be requested for this.
Under the Assistance insurance, the insurer will not reimburse the costs of services used without prior notification and approval.
When making a claim, the following information must be provided to be able to use the insurer’s services:
- the first name and the surname of the claimant;
- the place of using the service;
- the number of the Allianz Assistance Express insurance contract;
- the contact details of the claimant;
- the date of occurrence and the description of the insured event;
- the requested service and the data (name, mother’s name, date of birth and home address) of the persons wishing to use the service.
If false information is provided, the insurer’s service provider arriving at the scene may refuse to provide its services if the circumstances on site are different from those stated in the report.
All costs arising from this (for example the call-out cost) will be borne by the claimant.
The insurer is entitled to verify the content of the report and whether the use of the services is justified.
If a service is provided, the service provider will notify the claimant of its commencement in an SMS or by telephone within 1 hour after the report is made. If the provision of the service is obstructed for any reason, the service provider will contact the claimant by telephone.
How can I join the Loyalty Programme?
Anyone who registers and logs in by clicking on the ‘Login’ button on the first page of the Allianz Travel insurance calculator called ‘Basic data’ can participate in the discount programme.
You can also register by clicking on the ‘Details’ box of the Allianz Travel Insurance Loyalty Programme textbox, also with a Google or Facebook account.
Registration is free; you only have to provide your name, e-mail address, telephone number and a password.
Once you have logged in, you can immediately take advantage of the recommended discounts.
What is the total discount I can get if I join the Loyalty Programme?
After how much time will I receive the discount?
For how long can I use the discount?
The discounts you collect will not become invalid. We will cancel them only if you are inactive, i.e. if 3 years pass without you taking out travel insurance with us. In that case, your previously accumulated discounts will be lost, and your data will be deleted.
We will send you an automatic email about the deactivation.
You can return to the loyalty programme whenever you like after the deactivation.
In this case you have to register again, and you have to provide your data again.
For how long will my account and the discounts attached to it be valid?
If I forgot to log in to my Client Account, can I claim my discount later?
Does the discount apply to group travel insurance?
What happens if I reach discount levels III and IV, but my spending so far does not exceed the amount required for the discount?
You will be entitled to the next discount level only after exceeding the discount levels concerned.
(E.g. if you take out travel insurance and the value of your new purchase reaches exactly the limit of HUF 13,500, you will receive a 5% discount for the contract concerned, but you will be already entitled to the 10% discount for your next contract.)
Our business insurance products
What does the insurance cover?
Our product package offers insurance protection for the company’s assets, as well as general and professional liability insurance for assuming the damage caused to others. The insurance can also be extended to the damage arising from any work accidents by employees.
You can supplement any of these packages with life and accident insurance coverage by taking out our group personal insurance products or our Life Programs product.
How can you take out this insurance?
What kind of insurance is the Allianz Business travel insurance?
The Allianz Business travel insurance is a travel insurance for a specific number of days, which can be taken out by legal entities and sole traders.
A specific number of days must be purchased in advance, and they will be available to be used for different trips. At least 100 days must be purchased in advance to be able to take out the Allianz Business travel insurance. The number of the available days will decrease by the number of days spent abroad. The days to be spent abroad must be reported to the insurer by email before the trip.
To whom do we recommend it?
The Allianz Business travel insurance is available to legal entities (for example companies, public institutions or sports organisations) and to sole traders for at least 100 days.
We recommend it to all those who travel abroad from Hungary for 1 to 90 days for their profession or physical job, or as a professional athlete.
Where can it be taken out?
Why choose the Allianz Business travel insurance?
For what period can I take out the insurance?
What services are included?
The Allianz Business travel insurance consists of three insurance packages (Health, Travel and Legal Protection packages), which contain the different services. The insurance packages can be selected at three levels (Standard, Premium and Optimum), which differ in respect of the available services, the insured amounts and the premium.
The Health package includes the following services:
The Accident package includes the following services:
The Legal Protection package includes the following services:
We also provide a 24-hour phone service in Hungarian that you can call from any country of the world.
This information is not comprehensive; detailed information is included in the contract terms and conditions.
What is not covered?
The Allianz Business travel insurance does not cover the following:
- chronic disease, if the disease required treatment during the 12 months before the trip;
- trips to areas the visiting of which is not recommended by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade;
- extreme sports (unless a special extra premium is paid);
- winter sports (unless a special extra premium is paid);
- physical work (if the extra premium is not paid);
- being under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
- acts of terrorism (except for certain services under the health insurance and luggage insurance);
- the insured event is caused intentionally;
- and the cases mentioned among the exclusions and exemptions in the terms and conditions.
This information is not comprehensive; detailed information is included in the contract terms and conditions.
For what premiums is the insurance available?
The premium of the Allianz Business travel insurance is based on several factors. It mainly depends on the following:
- the insurance packages you choose and the level you choose within those;
- the number of days you buy;
- the type of activity you carry out abroad.
You can find out more about the insurance premiums from the Offer form.
Where is it valid?
Which physical jobs does it cover?
For which sports can it be taken out?
Up to what age can you travel with it?
Making and managing claims
What documents are required for reporting damage to a motor vehicle?
If you have caused the damage
- a copy of the fully completed European accident report (please indicate the policy number of your motor third-party liability insurance)
- police report (if police action has been taken)
If you are the injured party, and the person who caused the damage has their motor third-party liability insurance with our company
- European accident report (a claim report form containing the detailed description of the accident and the exact data of the motor vehicle)
- Motor vehicle claim report form;
- registration certificate;
- driving licence;
- identity card, address card;
- police report (if police action has been taken).
- Personal injury claim report form (if any personal injury has occurred during the accident).
- the final and binding decision in the case of an infringement procedure or criminal procedure,
- in the case of personal injury, medical records and the invoices and accounting documents that prove the costs incurred in connection with the accident (invoices for medicines and therapeutic equipment, travel documents etc.).
If any damage has occurred to your motor vehicle, please report it immediately, even if you do not yet have all of the above documents. Please note that it can speed up the claim settlement if you already provide your bank account number during the process of making a claim.
Due to the diverse nature of accidents and the resulting claims, it may also become necessary to obtain documents other than those listed, in which case we will notify you accordingly.
Please note that our company does not receive the necessary documents directly from the authorities and law enforcement bodies proceeding in these cases, and therefore you can accelerate and support the claim settlement process by presenting them.
What shall I do in the event of motor vehicle damage?
- Please complete the European accident report together with the other party, after which both parties will have an original copy. The report must contain the data of both parties. The instructions on the back of the form will help you to complete it. Please make sure you complete the form fully and accurately. Please provide any other data necessary for the claim settlement process on the form entitled Supplementary form to the ‘European accident report‘.
- If you have no European accident report form at hand, please complete a Motor vehicle damage report form.
- If there has been a personal injury, you should request police action in all cases. Personal injuries must be reported on a separate form, as soon as possible after the accident.
- If you have caused the damage, you must report it to your insurer within 5 working days, by providing the data necessary for claim settlement and describing the relevant circumstances, and by specifying the authority (police department) conducting the official procedure in connection with the accident. If an E-insurance claim report form has been completed and submitted after the accident, this means that you have fulfilled your obligation to report that you have caused damage. (If you have casco insurance, you may claim compensation for your own damage under that.)
- If you are the injured party, you must report your claim to the insurer of the person who caused the damage within 30 days of the accident.
- If the motor vehicle that caused the damage had a foreign registration number, the damage claim can be submitted to the Hungarian representative of the liability insurer of the foreign motor vehicle, the so-called ‘correspondent partner’. If the ‘correspondent partner’ is not known, the insurance claim can be submitted to MABISZ.
What shall I do in the event of personal injury?
If a personal injury has occurred during the accident, you should seek the help and action of a police officer in all cases. Personal injuries must be reported on a separate form as soon as possible after the accident, within 30 working days if possible.
It is also worth seeing a doctor if you notice any suspicious symptoms in the period after the accident. Injuries that seem to be insignificant can become worse later on.
Please note that you must keep all medical documents, as well as all receipts for medicines and medical aids, and attach them to the insurance claim. You should request an invoice or a certificate for all expenses arising in connection with the personal injury.
If the person who has caused the damage is unknown or a foreign national, you can report the damage at any insurer that is a member of MABISZ, but it is your insurer that has a primary obligation to proceed in the case. It is important that, in your own interest, you should make a note of the name of the foreign liability insurer of the person who has caused the damage, and the number and validity period of their green card. You can complete the E-insurance claim report form* in this case too, and through the submission function of that, MABISZ or the ‘correspondent partner’ will be notified of the reported accident. In order to make the claim settlement smoother, we suggest that you should always ask for police action in these cases.
Please note that due to their special nature, claim settlement processes relating to personal injuries are separate from the settlement of collision damage: they are more complex and longer processes.
The available claim settlement procedures
If our Company has a service obligation based on the insurance terms and the laws, you can choose from the following claim settlement methods in the case of motor vehicle damage:
Claim settlement through compromise
if you wish to enforce your claim without an invoice, we will offer the repair cost established by our Company in respect of the prices of materials and parts, as well as the repair fees, as a compromise.
Claim settlement with invoices*
we settle the claim based on a repair invoice issued in the name of the injured party in accordance with the restoration method recorded in the damage assessment report.
In the case of restoration by a repair shop, we may inspect the installation of parts both during and after the repair work, during which we will check whether the manufacturer’s parts included in the invoice have been used. To prove the origin of manufacturer's parts, it is also necessary to attach a proof of purchase of the parts used. Within the category of claim settlement with invoices, you can also choose claim settlement with letters of credit.
Claim settlement with letters of credit
if the coverage and legal basis of the reported case is clear, we will issue a letter of credit to our designated contracted repair shop upon request. In this case, our company and the repairer will settle their accounts directly with each other regarding the repair costs to be borne by the insurer. After the vehicle has been restored, you only have to pay the repairer the costs charged to you (e.g.: excess, obsolescence, your own orders etc.). The contracted partners of Allianz Hungária Zrt. are at your disposal nationwide.
Settlement of total loss
This occurs if repairing the motor vehicle will exceed the economical repair limit, or if the repair is not recommended for technical reasons or the motor vehicle has been stolen. In this case, payment is made based on the value of the motor vehicle at the time of the occurrence of the damage, less the residual value. The market value of the residue is determined through a salvage marketplace, taking the highest purchase offer submitted for the wreck into account. If you wish to sell the damaged motor vehicle, we will help you to get in touch with the bidder who has offered the highest price for the residue, if you give your consent.
Our current partner repair shops
Our partner repair shop will help you and will participate in the claim settlement process. This provides you with the opportunity of having the insurer directly settle the invoice for you.
The contracted partners of Allianz Hungária Zrt. are at your disposal nationwide.
Swipe to view more
Strategic partner | Premium partner | |
Official repair shop for several brands | ✓ | |
Nationwide availability |
✓ | |
Out-of-hours telephone service (24-hour hotline) |
✓ | |
Pick-up and delivery service |
✓ | |
On-site claim inspection right |
✓ | ✓ |
Fast-track serving of our clients |
✓ | ✓ |
Replacement car for a discounted fee |
✓ | ✓ |
Payment by card or bank transfer |
✓ | ✓ |
Environmentally conscious company policy |
✓ | ✓ |
Discount from the repair cost for our clients* |
✓ | ✓ |
What shall I do in the event of motor vehicle damage?
What shall I do if the windscreen of the motor vehicle has been damaged?
It is important to know that the majority of windscreen injuries can be repaired if you seek professional help in time.
Chips and sometimes even short cracks can be professionally and quickly removed thanks to advanced technologies, without the need to replace the windscreen, and this repair only costs a fraction of that of replacing the windscreen.
What shall I do if the accident happened abroad?
- Please call our Call Centre on the +361-237-2372 telephone number.
- Do not sign or accept as proof of liability any foreign language document that you do not understand or cannot translate. Otherwise, you should always indicate on the certificate that you have signed the document but you did not know its language and did not understand its content.
- Request police action. If the police have taken action, in most countries you can obtain a certificate about what happened against the payment of a fee.
- If you have Allianz Assistance 24 insurance and encounter language difficulties, you should call the +43-1-525-03-6552 emergency number without delay and request telephone interpreting and, if you do not have enough money in the balance of your phone, request a callback from the help centre.
- It is useful to always keep a European accident report form in the motor vehicle, which you should complete together with the other party after the accident, and after that you should keep one of the copies. The instructions on the back of the form will help you to complete it. Please make sure you provide the data in the form fully and accurately. (The form can be obtained free of charge at every Allianz branch.)
- If you do not have a form, make a note of all data of the persons involved in the accident:the place of the accident (also indicating the country);
- the international vehicle registration codes, the registration numbers and the types of the vehicles of the persons involved in the accident;
- the name, address and telephone number of the driver/owner;
- driving licence number;
- the name(s) and address(es) of the liability insurer(s);
- policy number;
- the brief description of the accident;
- the list of injuries;
- the name(s), address(es) and contact details of the witnesses, if applicable,
- which must be jointly signed by all persons involved in the accident.
- After your return home,, please forward the European accident report – or in the absence of that, your insurance claim – within 5 working days if you caused the damage, within 30 days if you are the injured party, or in the case of casco insurance, within 2 working days
- to
- Allianz Hungária Zrt. Vállalati, nemzetközi kárrendezés és regressz Központ (Corporate, International and Recourse Claim Handling Center, address: 1439 Budapest, Pf. 660, e-mail: [email protected]), or
to any branch of Allianz Hungária Zrt., either in person or in writing.
In the event of theft, request a police report of what happened.
The available claim settlement procedures
If our Company has a service obligation based on the insurance terms and the laws, you can choose from the following claim settlement methods in the case of motor vehicle damage:
Claim settlement through compromise
if you wish to enforce your claim without an invoice, we will offer the repair cost established by our Company in respect of the prices of materials and parts, as well as the repair fees, as a compromise.
Claim settlement with invoices
we settle the claim based on a repair invoice issued in the name of the injured party in accordance with the restoration method recorded in the damage assessment report.
In the case of restoration by a repair shop, we may inspect the installation of parts both during and after the repair work, during which we will check whether the manufacturer’s parts included in the invoice have been used. To prove the origin of manufacturer's parts, it is also necessary to attach a proof of purchase of the parts used. Within the category of claim settlement with invoices, you can also choose claim settlement with letters of credit.
Claim settlement with letters of credit
if the coverage and legal basis of the reported case is clear, we will issue a letter of credit to our designated contracted repair shop upon request. In this case, our company and the repairer will settle their accounts directly with each other regarding the repair costs to be borne by the insurer. After the vehicle has been restored, you only have to pay the repairer the costs charged to you (e.g.: excess, obsolescence, your own orders etc.). The contracted partners of Allianz Hungária Zrt. are at your disposal nationwide.
Settlement of total loss
This occurs if repairing the motor vehicle will exceed the economical repair limit, or if the repair is not recommended for technical reasons or the motor vehicle has been stolen. In this case, payment is made based on the value of the motor vehicle at the time of the occurrence of the damage, less the residual value. The market value of the residue is determined through a salvage marketplace, taking the highest purchase offer submitted for the wreck into account. If you wish to sell the damaged motor vehicle, we will help you to get in touch with the bidder who has offered the highest price for the residue, if you give your consent.
Payment of compensation; statute of limitation
The insurer will provide its services based on the submitted invoices or, in the absence of those, based on the compromise reached with the injured party, if no economic or technical total loss can be established based on the damage to the motor vehicle. The insurer will perform its service on the working day after the acceptance of the offer for compensation or after the last document necessary for payment is received and processed.
It should be noted that, in connection with its obligation arising from the insurance contract, the insurer may agree to pay the amount of the value added tax added to the price of the services subject to value added tax (material, repair and restoration costs) required to restore the conditions existing before the harmful event or to eliminate the consequences of the damage that has occurred, or pay that amount to the person entitled to it only on the basis of invoices in which the amount of value added tax is indicated or from which its amount can be calculated.
Statute of limitation
The insurance claims arising under this insurance contract shall lapse according to the limitation rules of the Civil Code. Pursuant to Section 6:22(1) of the Civil Code, unless otherwise provided by the law, claims shall lapse after five years. However, the Act provides for a shorter than average limitation period for the enforcement of claims for the compensation of damage arising from hazardous operations; these claims lapse after three years.
What shall I do if the windscreen of the motor vehicle has been damaged?
Where can I report my damage the most quickly?
- Our contracted partner repair shops offer a quick solution for the cases of glass damage, since, in addition to assuming the task of claim management, after inspecting the motor vehicle’s windscreen, if possible, they can immediately start repairing or replacing it, which they can even perform on site after consultation.
- At our telephone customer service, our colleagues are available to recommend our available contracted repair shops to you, and you can also make your claim on the +36 (1/20/30/70) 421-1-421 number (between 8.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m. on working days except for Thursdays, and between 8.00 a.m. and 8.00 p.m. on Thursdays).
How is windscreen damage compensated?
When does the Insurer apply obsolescence?
The Insurer is obliged to put the injured party in a position as if the damage had not occurred, but the injured party may not be enriched as a result of the damage, as benefiting from damage is prohibited and is against the law. Obsolescence is the decrease in the value of motor vehicles as a result of the passing of time and gradual wear and tear, expressed as a percentage. Taking all this into account, if for example the technical condition of the windscreen of a motor vehicle is at 70% – at the time when the damage occurs – because it has scratches, or it contains unrepaired injuries or factory defects, the injured party will only be entitled to claim 70% of its new value. The remaining 30% is the degree of obsolescence, which must be borne by the owner.
In the case of windscreen damage, obsolescence only applies to the replacement of the windscreen and not to the repair of the windscreen.
What shall I do if it was risky to leave for the repair shop in the damaged vehicle due to the nature of the windscreen damage?
Please do not leave in your damaged vehicle in any case if it would pose a danger to traffic, or it would endanger your own and others’ physical safety by driving in traffic due to the nature of the damage.
Today, it is also possible to use mobile repairers. You can use our contracted partner repair shops who, after consultation, can repair the damage within approx. 20 minutes after arriving at the site, and they can replace the windscreen in as little as 2 hours.
Of course, you can also use your breakdown service and have your motor vehicle transported to a repairer, and according to the terms of the insurance contract, our company will reimburse the transport costs up to a reasonable amount.
What shall I do if I have no money for the repair?
How will my damage be compensated if it is not the windscreen of the motor vehicle but a side glass that has been damaged?
The most important details of the claim settlement process, making a claim
Reporting the claim to the insurer
- Reporting the claim to the insurer; administrative deadlines
- Documents required for the claim settlement
- Claim settlement procedures (claim settlement without inspection, with an on-site inspection or over the phone, and emergency services)
- Remote claim inspection (If based on the parameters provided during the submission of the insurance claim the claim may be suitable for Remote claim inspection, and you have booked an inspection date that is suitable for you out of those offered during the submission of the claim, the remote claim inspection will take place with the help of the Allianz ConnX application. The claim inspection process is largely the same as the On-site inspection described above in detail, the only difference being that our colleague will only ‘attend the inspection virtually’, and that the claim inspection requires your active participation, as well as the Allianz ConnX application downloaded to your mobile device.)
- Payment of compensation
- The limitation of the claim
When a claim is made, our colleagues review the validity of the insurance contract and check whether compensation can be paid for the damage based on the relevant terms.
If an on-site inspection is necessary for the settlement of the claim, our claims assessor will contact you by telephone or in writing to agree a date for the inspection.
The following data are required for making a claim:
- the number of the insurance contract;
- your name, address and telephone number;
- the place, time and date and brief description of the incident (the cause and circumstances of the damage, the description of the damaged items – it is not necessary to include an itemised list at this stage);
- the amount of the damage in your estimation;
- the description of the action taken by the authorities, if applicable (e.g.: fire brigade, police).
The most important deadlines regarding your claim:
Claims must be reported within 2 working days of noticing the damage.
You can do this
Reporting the claim to the insurer
When a claim is made, our colleagues review the validity of the insurance contract and check whether compensation can be paid for the damage based on the relevant terms. If an on-site inspection is necessary for the settlement of the claim, our claims assessor will contact you by telephone or in writing to agree a date for the inspection.
The following data are required for making a claim:
- the number of the insurance contract;
- your name, address and telephone number;
- the place, time and date and brief description of the incident (the cause and circumstances of the damage, the description of the damaged items – it is not necessary to include an itemised list at this stage);
- the amount of the damage in your estimation;
- the description of the action taken by the authorities, if applicable (e.g.: fire brigade, police).
The most important deadlines regarding your claim
Claims must be reported within 2 working days of noticing the damage.
In the case of death or accidental damage, please make your claim within 8 working days.
After the claim has been made, our experts will be in contact as soon as possible to agree a date for the on-site inspection.
Please leave the place where the damage occurred unchanged for 5 working days after the submission of the claim, and do not change the condition of the damaged property, or only do so to the extent necessary to mitigate the damage. This is necessary for checking the content of the claim.
If we still have not started the claim settlement process on the 5th working day, you may take steps to restore the damaged property. However, please preserve any unused or discarded parts and equipment in the same condition for another 30 days.
To ensure that claim settlement is as quick as possible, damage caused during a burglary or robbery must also be reported to the police within the shortest possible time. This is particularly important because, for the claim settlement of losses in which the police is involved, we will also need the documents issued by the police.
Documents generally required for the claim settlement
In order to determine the insured event, the eligibility for the service and the amount of the service, our colleagues will also need a variety of documents and certificates depending on the case concerned and the relevant contract. By submitting these as soon as possible, you can accelerate the claim settlement process.
Allianz condominium Plus insurance (ALP) containing a TUK clause
Based on the decision of the condominium, the insurer will transfer the compensation for the damage that occurred in a separately owned part of the building to the owner/insured person if he has a certificate issued by the residents’ representative of the fact that the proportionate part of the insurance premium payable for the relevant property has been fully paid. In the absence of this, the compensation will be transferred to the account of the condominium.
Fire, explosion and significant damage caused by natural disasters
- an itemised list suitable for identifying the damaged movables;
- the demolition decision issued by the building authority (if the building must be demolished);
- older planning application documents for the flat or house;
- quotes, invoices, floor plans and photos for the restoration of the building.
Direct lightning strike
- an itemised list suitable for identifying the damaged movables;
- quotes and invoices for the restoration of the building.
Lightning induction effect
- an itemised list suitable for identifying the damaged movables;
- expert opinion on the damaged appliances;
- quotes and invoices for the repair of appliances.
Damage caused by burst pipes and leakage
- an itemised list suitable for identifying the damaged movables;
- quotes and invoices for the restoration of the building.
- in the case of damage caused by water escaping from the direction of the neighbouring property, the declaration of the person who caused the damage.
Liability damage
- an itemised list suitable for identifying the damaged movable properties (as the injured party);
- quotes and invoices for the restoration of the building (as the injured party);
- the declaration of the person who caused the damage (as the injured party or as the person causing the damage)
- medical opinion;
- death certificate (in the event of accidental death);
- hospital discharge report (in the case of hospital treatment);
- a copy of the sick pay certificate;
- inheritance certificate, decision on the transfer of the deceased person’s estate (in the event of accidental death)
Burglary and robbery
- an itemised list suitable for identifying the stolen movable properties;
- document on reporting the crime to the police;
- invoices, warranty cards, contract of sale, photos;
The procedures applied by the insurer
Losses not requiring on-site inspection
- glass damage of a smaller value;
- reimbursement of the costs of lock replacement;
- blocking of credit cards;
- accidental death;
- permanent damage to health from an accident;
- temporary damage to health from an accident; and
- hospital treatment in the event of an accident.
Losses requiring on-site inspection
In this case, our colleagues will agree a date for the on-site inspection with you by telephone, or if you cannot be contacted by telephone, they will send a written notification.
During the inspection, our claims assessor prepares a report, in which he records an itemised list of the losses that occurred in the building and the movable properties together with you, and he determines the amount of compensation if the damage is considered an insured event under the contract terms.
If you, as the insured person, cannot attend the on-site inspection on the date agreed with the claims assessor, or you are unable to participate in the claim settlement procedure, please give an authorisation to the person acting on your behalf.
Authorisation for on-site inspections
Claim settlement on the phone
For a more convenient and faster management of the case, claim settlement on the phone is also available in the case of the following losses of smaller amounts (once per calendar year):
- downpour, hail, storm and lightning strike
- burst pipes and leakage
- damage arising due to the lightning induction effect
If you do not wish to use this option, an on-site inspection will be necessary, the date of which will be agreed by you and our colleague.
Important information on the payment of compensation
We will transfer the compensation amount to the bank account number provided by you, or we will send it by post to the address provided.
Our service will be due within 15 days of the submission of the claim. If you are obliged to present any supporting documents for the payment of the compensation amount, we will calculate the deadline from the day when the last document is received by the insurer.
If the insured property is subject to a mortgage or an independent lien, and the insurance policy contains a mortgage clause, we will only pay the compensation to the insured person (mortgagor) if the waiver of the mortgagee has been submitted. We will act in the same way if the financier has been included in the contract as a co-insured and the policy contains a clause confirming the registration of the co-insured.
Statute of limitation
After we have paid the compensation amount mutually accepted based on the inspections and the calculation of the damage, the case will be closed. Should you have any further insurance claims after your case is closed, they can be dealt with according to the following:
- claims arising under your property and personal accident insurance contract will lapse after 2 years from the occurrence of the insured event;
- claims arising under your liability insurance contract will lapse after 1 year from the date when you are notified of the damage or the insurance claim.
Should you have any further questions regarding the claim settlement or the content of your contract, or about any insurance-related issue, our colleagues will be happy to help you in person in our nationwide network of branches or by telephone, on the +36 (1/20/30/70) 421-1-421 telephone number.
Useful tips – if an accident has occurred
Things to do at the place where the damage has occurred
After discovering the damage, you should establish whether there is an imminent danger to life. If a personal injury has occurred, the most important thing is to call an ambulance and notify the fire brigade. Do not change the condition of the damaged properties until the claim inspection, at least until the 5th day from making the claim. Of course, mitigating the damage is also important, and therefore, for example in the case of a burst pipe, you should stop the leakage or flow of the water but should not rebuild the wall section that has been opened until the inspection. If the full repair of the burst pipe becomes necessary before the inspection by the claims assessor, please retain the broken pipe section and show it to the assessor.
Notifying the authorities
In the event of fire or explosion, the fire brigade must be notified on the 105 telephone number in all cases (even if the fire has been extinguished). In the event of burglary or robbery, the most important thing is to report the case in person to the competent police station, or by calling the 107 number. The police investigation usually takes about 30 to 60 days, after which a ‘decision on the termination of investigation’ is issued, and the original copy of this must be sent to the insurer in order to finally close the claim.
Notifying the insurer
If any damage occurs, you should report it to the insurer as soon as possible, but at the latest within 2 working days from noticing it.
On-site inspection
After the claim has been made, our experts will be in contact as soon as possible to agree a date for the on-site inspection.
Questions and answers in connection with damage caused by lightning induction
Damage caused by lightning induction is a surge occurring due to fluctuations in magnetic field strength in the proximity of spots hit by lightning, which causes damage to electrical appliances.
Please read our information notice on damage caused by lightning induction.
Client Portal
Can I register on the Allianz Client Portal?
All of our clients who have an e-insurance product can register for the Client Portal, provided that they have accepted the Client Portal contract.
- Contracts that can be registered:
- Allianz Home Plus home insurance
- Allianz Home Insurance (ALA)
- Allianz Online Home Insurance
- Allianz Condominium Plus
- Allianz e-Casco
- Motor third-party liability insurance (eMTPL)
- YieldMax (HMA)
- Allianz Life Programs
- Agricultural plants insurance
How can I register if my telephone number has changed since the conclusion of the contract?
Can I provide the same e-mail address for more than one Client Portal registrations?
No. An e-mail address can only be provided during one Client Portal registration, since it is also a username.
If you have e-insurance, and you are our registered client, you can view the data of all your e-insurance products, including the new ones.
If nevertheless you cannot see all your e-insurance products under your username, please let us know by accurately providing the number of your e-insurance contract under the Administration/Other requests menu item within the Client Portal, or call our customer service on the 06-1-421-1-421 number.
I haven’t received the SMS containing the code, what shall I do?
I forgot my username. What should I do?
I forgot my password. What should I do?
How can I change my personal data?
I have several e-insurance products, but I cannot see them all under my username. What should I do?
What kinds of documents can I access on the Client Portal?
Upon the conclusion of the contract, you automatically receive the electronic insurance policy and also the electronic invoice if you have requested one, which can be downloaded from the ‘Related documents’ menu item on the Client Portal.
In the case of motor third-party liability insurance products, the premium certificate is also available, by which you can prove the existence of the insurance to the authorities. We can only issue premium certificates for contracts for which the premiums have been fully paid. In the absence of a premium certificate, the Offer serves as evidence of the existence of the insurance until the 60th day from the conclusion of the contract.
How can I request a green card for my motor third-party liability insurance?
You can request a green card under the ‘Related documents’ tab under the ‘Contract data’. We will send the green card to the policyholder’s address by post after the request.
If you would like to request a green card to an address other than your registered home address, please request this on the form available under ‘Other requests’ in the ‘Administration’ tab.
Why can’t I download the certificates and other documents?
I have a question about my contract. How can I submit it?
Viewing and amending the premium payment data
You can view the information relating to premium payment in the ‘Premium payment data’ menu item, and here you can amend the frequency and method of premium payment or your account number.
You can choose from the following payment methods:
Premium payment by card: You can pay your insurance premium by card by clicking on the Premium payment button on the Client Portal, or on the Online premium payment. You can read more about card payment in the following sections.
Premium payment by direct debit: The insurer automatically debits your bank account with the premium due according to the applicable frequency. For this, you have to choose payment by direct debit and provide your bank account number from which you would like to pay the premiums, and then you have to send a completed direct debit authorisation form to your bank.
Premium payment by transfer: You must take care of the transfer of the insurance premium. (This premium payment method cannot be selected in the case of the e-MTPL.)
How can I make a claim through the Client Portal?
Through our internet platform, you can make a claim related to your insurance contract even from your home without queuing; you can submit your claim history, or you can submit documents electronically in relation to a claim you have made, and you can also request information about your claim in progress.
You can start the online claim process on the Administration>Making a claim page on the Client Portal.
How can I send a message?
What kind of messages will I receive through the Client Portal?
You can also find the documents sent to you in the inbox available under the ‘Messages’ menu item on the Client Portal, where you can also read our replies to your messages. We will also inform you of any changes relating to your contract or data under this menu item.
If you have a new message in the Client Portal, we will also send a notification of this to your e-mail address.