File a claim; track your claim

Through our internet platform, you can file a claim related to your insurance contract even from your home without queuing; you can upload documents electronically in relation to a claim you have filed and you can request information about your claim in progress.

We would like to inform you that the insurer’s privacy policy for claim settlement can be found here.

 Registration for repair shops who work for an hourly fee.

Motor third-party liability insurance – More information on making insurance claims

If you have caused the damage

·         a copy of the fully completed European accident report (please indicate the policy number of your motor third-party liability insurance)

·         police report (if police action has been taken)

If you are the injured party, and the person who caused the damage has their motor third-party liability insurance with our company

·         European accident report (a claim report form containing the detailed description of the accident and the exact data of the motor vehicle)

·         Motor vehicle claim report form;

·         registration certificate;

·         driving licence;

·         identity card, address card;

·         police report (if police action has been taken).

·         Personal injury claim report form (if any personal injury has occurred during the accident).

·         the final and binding decision in the case of an infringement procedure or criminal procedure,

·         in the case of personal injury, medical records and the invoices and accounting documents that prove the costs incurred in connection with the accident (invoices for medicines and therapeutic equipment, travel documents etc.).

If any damage has occurred to your motor vehicle, please report it immediately, even if you do not yet have all of the above documents. Please note that it can speed up the claim settlement if you already provide your bank account number and upload the documents and vehicle photos requested by the system during the process of making a claim.

Due to the diverse nature of accidents and the resulting claims, it may also become necessary to obtain documents other than those listed, in which case we will notify you accordingly.
Please note that our company does not receive the necessary documents directly from the authorities and law enforcement bodies proceeding in these cases, and therefore you can accelerate and support the claim settlement process by presenting them.

·         Please complete the European accident report together with the other party, after which both parties will have an original copy. The report must contain the data of both parties. The instructions on the back of the form will help you to complete it. Please make sure you complete the form fully and accurately. Please provide any other data necessary for the claim settlement process on the form entitled Supplementary form to the ‘European accident report‘.

·         Instead of the European accident report form, you can also use the E-insurance claim application, in which you can create a digital accident report form quickly and easily in a few steps, then, after your using the submit function, the insurer of the person who caused the damage can immediately receive the digital insurance claim. You should also make sure, while you complete the E-insurance claim, that the data are entered correctly, and if possible, take digital photos of the damaged vehicles and the accident site using the application, thereby helping to settle the damage as quickly as possible.

·         If there has been a personal injury, you should request police action in all cases. Personal injuries must be reported on a separate form, as soon as possible after the accident.

·         If you have caused the damage, you must report it to your insurer within 5 working days, by providing the data necessary for claim settlement and describing the relevant circumstances, and by specifying the authority (police department) conducting the official procedure in connection with the accident. If an E-insurance claim report form has been completed and submitted after the accident, this means that you have fulfilled your obligation to report that you have caused damage. (If you have casco insurance, you may claim compensation for your own damage under that.)

·         If you are the injured party, you must report your claim to the insurer of the person who caused the damage within 30 days of the accident.

·         If the motor vehicle that caused the damage had a foreign registration number, the damage claim can be submitted to the Hungarian representative of the liability insurer of the foreign motor vehicle, the so-called ‘correspondent partner’. If the ‘correspondent partner’ is not known, the insurance claim can be submitted to MABISZ.

If a personal injury has occurred during the accident, you should seek the help and action of a police officer in all cases. Personal injuries must be reported on a separate form as soon as possible after the accident, within 30 working days if possible.

It is also worth seeing a doctor if you notice any suspicious symptoms in the period after the accident. Injuries that seem to be insignificant can become worse later on.

Please note that you must keep all medical documents, as well as all receipts for medicines and medical aids, and attach them to the insurance claim. You should request an invoice or a certificate for all expenses arising in connection with the personal injury.

If the party causing the damage was unknown or the motor vehicle had a foreign registration number, the damage claim can be submitted to the Hungarian representative of the liability insurer of the foreign motor vehicle, the so-called ‘correspondent partner’, or to your own insurer. It is important that, in your own interest, you should make a note of the name of the foreign liability insurer of the person who has caused the damage, and the number and validity period of their green card. You can complete the E-insurance claim report form* in this case too, and through the submission function of that, MABISZ or the ‘correspondent partner’ will be notified of the reported accident. In order to make the claim settlement smoother, we suggest that you should always ask for police action in these cases.  

Please note that due to their special nature, claim settlement processes relating to personal injuries are separate from the settlement of collision damage: they are more complex and longer processes.

*Felhívjuk figyelmét, hogy az E-kárbejelentő felület nem támogatja az Internet Explorer böngészőt. Használatához Google Chrome böngészőt ajánlunk. 

If our Company has a service obligation based on the insurance terms and the laws, you can choose from the following claim settlement methods in the case of motor vehicle damage:

Claim settlement through compromise

if you wish to enforce your claim without an invoice, we will offer the repair cost established by our Company in respect of the prices of materials and parts, as well as the repair fees, as a compromise.

Claim settlement with invoices*

we settle the claim based on a repair invoice issued in the name of the injured party in accordance with the restoration method recorded in the damage assessment report.
In the case of restoration by a repair shop, we may inspect the installation of parts both during and after the repair work, during which we will check whether the manufacturer’s parts included in the invoice have been used. To prove the origin of manufacturer's parts, it is also necessary to attach a proof of purchase of the parts used. Within the category of claim settlement with invoices, you can also choose claim settlement with letters of credit.

Claim settlement with letters of credit

if the coverage and legal basis of the reported case is clear, we will issue a letter of credit to our designated contracted repair shop upon request. In this case, our company and the repairer will settle their accounts directly with each other regarding the repair costs to be borne by the insurer. After the vehicle has been restored, you only have to pay the repairer the costs charged to you (e.g.: excess, obsolescence, your own orders etc.). The contracted partners of Allianz Hungária Zrt. are at your disposal nationwide.

Settlement of total loss

This occurs if repairing the motor vehicle will exceed the economical repair limit, or if the repair is not recommended for technical reasons or the motor vehicle has been stolen. In this case, payment is made based on the value of the motor vehicle at the time of the occurrence of the damage, less the residual value. The market value of the residue is determined through a salvage marketplace, taking the highest purchase offer submitted for the wreck into account. If you wish to sell the damaged motor vehicle, we will help you to get in touch with the bidder who has offered the highest price for the residue, if you give your consent.

* Felhívjuk szíves figyelmét, hogy a biztosítókról és a biztosítási tevékenységről szóló 2003. évi LX. törvény 96.§ (6) szerint a javítási költség Áfa tartalmának a megtérítésére csak olyan számla alapján van mód, amelyen feltüntetik az Áfa összegét, vagy amelyből annak összege megállapítható.

Casco insurance – More information on making insurance claims

Please report the damage within 2 working days on the internet or at our telephone customer service on the +36 (1/20/30/70) 421-1-421 number.
  • ·         Please call our Call Centre on the +361-237-2372 telephone number.
  • ·         Do not sign or accept as proof of liability any foreign language document that you do not understand or cannot translate. Otherwise, you should always indicate on the certificate that you have signed the document but you did not know its language and did not understand its content.
  • ·         Request police action. If the police have taken action, in most countries you can obtain a certificate about what happened against the payment of a fee.
  • ·         If you have Allianz Assistance 24 insurance and encounter language difficulties, you should call the +43-1-525-03-6552 emergency number without delay and request telephone interpreting and, if you do not have enough money in the balance of your phone, request a callback from the help centre.
  • ·         It is useful to always keep a European accident report form in the motor vehicle, which you should complete together with the other party after the accident, and after that you should keep one of the copies. The instructions on the back of the form will help you to complete it. Please make sure you provide the data in the form fully and accurately. (The form can be obtained free of charge at every Allianz branch.)
  • If you do not have a form, make a note of all data of the persons involved in the accident:the place of the accident (also indicating the country);
  • ·         the international vehicle registration codes, the registration numbers and the types of the vehicles of the persons involved in the accident;
  • ·         the name, address and telephone number of the driver/owner;
  • ·         driving licence number;
  • ·         the name(s) and address(es) of the liability insurer(s);
  • ·         policy number;
  • ·         the brief description of the accident;
  • ·         the list of injuries;
  • ·         the name(s), address(es) and contact details of the witnesses, if applicable,
  • which must be jointly signed by all persons involved in the accident.
  • After your return home, please forward the European accident report – or in the absence of that, your insurance claim – within 5 working days if you caused the damage, within 30 days if you are the injured party, or in the case of casco insurance, within 2 working days to Allianz Hungária Zrt. Vállalati, nemzetközi kárrendezés és regressz Központ (Corporate, International  and Recourse Claim Handling Center, address: 1439 Budapest, Pf. 660, e-mail: [email protected]), or
    to any branch of Allianz Hungária Zrt., either in person or in writing.
    In the event of theft, request a police report of what happened.

If our Company has a service obligation based on the insurance terms and the laws, you can choose from the following claim settlement methods in the case of motor vehicle damage:

Claim settlement through compromise

if you wish to enforce your claim without an invoice, we will offer the repair cost established by our Company in respect of the prices of materials and parts, as well as the repair fees, as a compromise.

Claim settlement with invoices*

we settle the claim based on a repair invoice issued in the name of the injured party in accordance with the restoration method recorded in the damage assessment report.
In the case of restoration by a repair shop, we may inspect the installation of parts both during and after the repair work, during which we will check whether the manufacturer’s parts included in the invoice have been used. To prove the origin of manufacturer's parts, it is also necessary to attach a proof of purchase of the parts used. Within the category of claim settlement with invoices, you can also choose claim settlement with letters of credit.

Claim settlement with letters of credit

if the coverage and legal basis of the reported case is clear, we will issue a letter of credit to our designated contracted repair shop upon request. In this case, our company and the repairer will settle their accounts directly with each other regarding the repair costs to be borne by the insurer. After the vehicle has been restored, you only have to pay the repairer the costs charged to you (e.g.: excess, obsolescence, your own orders etc.). The contracted partners of Allianz Hungária Zrt. are at your disposal nationwide.

Settlement of total loss

This occurs if repairing the motor vehicle will exceed the economical repair limit, or if the repair is not recommended for technical reasons or the motor vehicle has been stolen. In this case, payment is made based on the value of the motor vehicle at the time of the occurrence of the damage, less the residual value. The market value of the residue is determined through a salvage marketplace, taking the highest purchase offer submitted for the wreck into account. If you wish to sell the damaged motor vehicle, we will help you to get in touch with the bidder who has offered the highest price for the residue, if you give your consent.

* Please note that according to Section 96(6) of Act LX of 2003 on Insurance Companies and the Insurance Business, the VAT included in the repair cost can only be reimbursed based on an invoice that contains the amount of VAT or from which its amount can be established.

The insurer will provide its services based on the submitted invoices or, in the absence of those, based on the compromise reached with the injured party, if no economic or technical total loss can be established based on the damage to the motor vehicle. The insurer will perform its service on the working day after the acceptance of the offer for compensation or after the last document necessary for payment is received and processed.

It should be noted that, in connection with its obligation arising from the insurance contract, the insurer may agree to pay the amount of the value added tax added to the price of the services subject to value added tax (material, repair and restoration costs) required to restore the conditions existing before the harmful event or to eliminate the consequences of the damage that has occurred, or pay that amount to the person entitled to it only on the basis of invoices in which the amount of value added tax is indicated or from which its amount can be calculated.

Statute of limitation 
The insurance claims arising under this insurance contract shall lapse according to the limitation rules of the Civil Code. Pursuant to Section 6:22(1) of the Civil Code, unless otherwise provided by the law, claims shall lapse after five years. However, the Act provides for a shorter than average limitation period for the enforcement of claims for the compensation of damage arising from hazardous operations; these claims lapse after three years.

Home and condominium insurance – More information on reporting insurance claims

  • Reporting the claim to the insurer; administrative deadlines
  • Documents required for the claim settlement
  • Claim settlement procedures (claim settlement without inspection, with an on-site inspection or over the phone, and emergency services)
  • Remote claim inspection (If, based on the parameters provided during the submission of the insurance claim, the claim may be suitable for Remote claim inspection, and you have booked an inspection date that is suitable to you out of those offered during the submission of the claim, the remote claim inspection will take place with the help of the Allianz ConnX application.  The claim inspection process is largely the same as the On-site inspection described above in detail, the only difference being that our colleague will only ‘attend the inspection virtually’, and that the claim inspection requires your active participation, as well as the Allianz ConnX application downloaded to your mobile device.)
  • Payment of compensation
  • The limitation of the claim
  • Reporting the claim to the insurer

    When a claim is made, our colleagues review the validity of the insurance contract and check whether compensation can be paid for the damage based on the relevant terms. If an on-site inspection is necessary for the settlement of the claim, our claims assessor will contact you by telephone or in writing to agree a date for the inspection.

    The following data are required for making a claim:

    the number of the insurance contract;

    your name, address and telephone number;

    the place, time and date and brief description of the incident (the cause and circumstances of the damage, the description of the damaged items – it is not necessary to include an itemised list at this stage);

    the amount of the damage in your estimation;

    the description of the action taken by the authorities, if applicable (e.g.: fire brigade, police).

Claims must be reported within 2 working days of noticing the damage.

In the case of death or accidental damage, please make your claim within 8 working days.

After the claim has been made, our experts will be in contact as soon as possible to agree a date for the on-site inspection.

Please leave the place where the damage occurred unchanged for 5 working days after the submission of the claim, and do not change the condition of the damaged property, or only do so to the extent necessary to mitigate the damage. This is necessary for checking the content of the claim.
If we still have not started the claim settlement process on the 5th working day, you may take steps to restore the damaged property. However, please preserve any unused or discarded parts and equipment in the same condition for another 30 days.

To ensure that claim settlement is as quick as possible, damage caused during a burglary or robbery must also be reported to the police within the shortest possible time. This is particularly important because, for the claim settlement of losses in which the police is involved, we will also need the documents issued by the police.

In order to determine the insured event, the eligibility for the service and the amount of the service, our colleagues will also need a variety of documents and certificates depending on the case concerned and the relevant contract. By submitting these as soon as possible, you can accelerate the claim settlement process.

Allianz condominium Plus insurance (ALP) containing a TUK clause

Based on the decision of the condominium, the insurer will transfer the compensation for the damage that occurred in a separately owned part of the building to the owner/insured person if he has a certificate issued by the residents’ representative of the fact that the proportionate part of the insurance premium payable for the relevant property has been fully paid. In the absence of this, the compensation will be transferred to the account of the condominium.

Fire, explosion and significant damage caused by natural disasters

·         an itemised list suitable for identifying the damaged movables;

·         the demolition decision issued by the building authority (if the building must be demolished);

·         older planning application documents for the flat or house;

·         quotes, invoices, floor plans and photos for the restoration of the building.

Direct lightning strike

·         an itemised list suitable for identifying the damaged movables;

·         quotes and invoices for the restoration of the building. 

Lightning induction effect

·         an itemised list suitable for identifying the damaged movables;

·         expert opinion on the damaged appliances;

·         quotes and invoices for the repair of appliances.

Damage caused by burst pipes and leakage

·         an itemised list suitable for identifying the damaged movables;

·         quotes and invoices for the restoration of the building.

·         in the case of damage caused by water escaping from the direction of the neighbouring property, the declaration of the person who caused the damage.

Liability damage

·         an itemised list suitable for identifying the damaged movable properties (as the injured party);

·         quotes and invoices for the restoration of the building (as the injured party);

·         the declaration of the person who caused the damage (as the injured party or as the person causing the damage)


·         medical opinion;

·         death certificate (in the event of accidental death);

·         hospital discharge report (in the case of hospital treatment);

·         a copy of the sick pay certificate;

·         inheritance certificate, decision on the transfer of the deceased person’s estate (in the event of accidental death)

Burglary and robbery

·         an itemised list suitable for identifying the stolen movable properties;

·         document on reporting the crime to the police;

·         invoices, warranty cards, contract of sale, photos;


Losses not requiring on-site inspection

·         glass damage of a smaller value; 

·         reimbursement of the costs of lock replacement; 

·         blocking of credit cards;

·         accidental death; 

·         permanent damage to health from an accident;

·         temporary damage to health from an accident; and 

·         hospital treatment in the event of an accident.

Losses requiring on-site inspection

In this case, our colleagues will agree a date for the on-site inspection with you by telephone, or if you cannot be contacted by telephone, they will send a written notification.
During the inspection, our claims assessor prepares a report, in which he records an itemised list of the losses that occurred in the building and the movable properties together with you, and he determines the amount of compensation if the damage is considered an insured event under the contract terms.

If you, as the insured person, cannot attend the on-site inspection on the date agreed with the claims assessor, or you are unable to participate in the claim settlement procedure, please give an authorisation to the person acting on your behalf.

Authorisation for on-site inspections

Claim settlement on the phone

For a more convenient and faster management of the case, claim settlement on the phone is also available in the case of the following losses of smaller amounts (once per calendar year):

·         downpour, hail, storm and lightning strike

·         burst pipes and leakage

·         damage arising due to the lightning induction effect

If you do not wish to use this option, an on-site inspection will be necessary, the date of which will be agreed by you and our colleague.

We will transfer the compensation amount to the bank account number provided by you, or we will send it by post to the address provided.

Our service will be due within 15 days of the submission of the claim. If you are obliged to present any supporting documents for the payment of the compensation amount, we will calculate the deadline from the day when the last document is received by the insurer.

If the insured property is subject to a mortgage or an independent lien, and the insurance policy contains a mortgage clause, we will only pay the compensation to the insured person (mortgagor) if the waiver of the mortgagee has been submitted. We will act in the same way if the financier has been included in the contract as a co-insured and the policy contains a clause confirming the registration of the co-insured.

After we have paid the compensation amount mutually accepted based on the inspections and the calculation of the damage, the case will be closed. Should you have any further insurance claims after your case is closed, they can be dealt with according to the following: 

·         claims arising under your property and personal accident insurance contract will lapse after 2 years from the occurrence of the insured event;

·         claims arising under your liability insurance contract will lapse after 1 year from the date when you are notified of the damage or the insurance claim.

Should you have any further questions regarding the claim settlement or the content of your contract, or about any insurance-related issue, our colleagues will be happy to help you in person in our nationwide network of branches or by telephone, on the +36 (1/20/30/70) 421-1-421 telephone number.

Travel insurance – More information on making insurance claims

If you are still abroad, please call Allianz Hungária or Allianz Worldwide Partners for immediate assistance on the following numbers of the 24-hour telephone service:

  • Within Europe: +36 (1) 237-2333
  • Outside Europe: +43 (1) 525-03-6516
  • In the case of Autó Assistance: +43 (1) 525-03-6552

After you have returned home, you can make a claim in connection with your travel insurance in person or by post, by submitting the claim report form and the necessary documents according to the following. The claim report form can be downloaded at the bottom of the page. You can find out about the documents necessary for the service from the contract terms.

Claims can be made in person at the Allianz customer service points. You can find information about customer service points under the ‘Contact’ menu item on our website.

In the event of making a claim by post, the documents must be sent to the following address: Allianz Hungária Zrt. Operációtámogatási osztály (Operations Support Department), 1387 Budapest, Pf. 11.

If you need any help, you can also call our telephone customer service on the +36 (1/20/30/70) 421-1-421 number, or contact us by completing the Service claim form, after which we will contact you shortly using the contact details you have provided.

Please do not provide any data concerning the state of your health on the form. Please only provide data concerning the state of your health later, to our claims handler, or on the claim report form, if necessary.

To access our claim report forms, please click here.

Please take the following deadlines into account when making a claim.

  • In the case of Autó Assistance supplemental insurance (traffic accident, technical defect), the claim must be made from abroad by telephone, immediately upon the occurrence of the insured event.
  • In the case of health insurance (illness and accident), the claim must be made from abroad by telephone within the shortest possible time but within 72 hours at the latest, then, after your return home, you must submit the documents required for the service.
  • In the case of legal protection insurance (legal procedures), the claim must be made from abroad by telephone upon the occurrence of the insured event, then, after your return home, you must submit the documents required for the service.
  • In the case of luggage insurance (damage caused by an accident, theft or robbery), the claim must be made within 5 working days of returning to Hungary, by submitting the documents required for the service.
  • In the case of travel assistance services (e.g. luggage delay, flight delay): the claim must be made from abroad by telephone upon the occurrence of the insured event, then, after your return home, you must submit the documents required for the service within 5 working days.
  • In the case of accident insurance (accidental death or permanent damage to health), the claim must be made within 30 working days of returning to Hungary, by submitting the documents required for the service.
  • In the case of liability insurance (physical injuries caused to another person, damage to property), the claim must be made within 30 days of the occurrence of the insured event, by submitting the documents required for the service.

In the event that the deadline for making the claim is missed, the insurer will not provide any service if it becomes impossible to ascertain a circumstance that is material in terms of the service.

You can submit the documents required for the performance of the service in the following ways:

  • In person, in which case you can submit the missing documents at any Allianz customer service point. You can find information about customer service points under the ‘Contact’ menu item on our website.
  • By post, in which case the documents should be sent to the following address: Allianz Hungária Zrt. Operációtámogatási osztály (Operations Support Department), 1387 Budapest, Pf. 11.
  • Online, in which case the documents can be submitted here.

    By completing the form, you can request information on your travel insurance claims already submitted, and you can also attach documents. When completing the form, please take special care to provide the claim number and the e-mail address accurately.
    Please note that if an original document is required for the performance of the service, it can only be submitted in person or by post.
  • If you need help, please call our telephone customer service on the +36 (1/20/30/70) 421-1-421 number.

Please note that if an original document is required for the performance of the service, it can only be submitted in person or by post.

By completing the form, you can request information on your travel insurance claims already submitted, and you can also attach documents. When completing the form, please take special care to provide the claim number and the e-mail address accurately.

Please note that if an original document is required for the performance of the service, it can only be submitted in person or by post.

If you need help, please call our telephone customer service on the +36 (1/20/30/70) 421-1-421 number.

Life insurance – More information on reporting insurance claims

Insured events occurring during the risk period must be reported to the insurer within 8 days of their occurrence, and the required information must be provided, the documents necessary for the payment of the insurance service must be attached, and an opportunity must be provided for checking the content of the claim and the information provided. If you fail to do so, and if it becomes impossible to ascertain the material circumstances as a result, the insurer may refuse to provide the insurance service.

If you have suffered an insured event, you can contact our company in the following ways:

  • by using the contact form;
  • in person;
  • by fax on the 06-1-488-1004 number;
  • by e-mail, in a message sent to the [email protected] address if the e-mail address from which the message has been sent is a previously recorded address attached to the sender;
  • by post, at the following address:

Allianz Hungária Zrt.
Operációtámogatási osztály (Operations Support Department)
1387 Budapest, Pf. 11  

For more information or for assistance with the submission of service claims, please call the Allianz telephone customer service on the +36 (1/20/30/70) 421-1-421 telephone number, and our colleagues will be happy to help you.

In order to protect your personal data, we cannot accept the electronic submission of missing documents with regard to the administration of personal insurance (life insurance) service claims.
To submit additional documents necessary for reporting a service claim, please send us the original documents by post or fax to one of the contact details below:

Allianz Hungária Zrt.
Operációtámogatási osztály (Operations Support Department)
1387 Budapest, Pf.: 11.

For more information or for assistance with the management of service claims, please call the Allianz telephone customer service on the +36 (1/20/30/70) 421-1-421 telephone number, and our colleagues will be happy to help you.

Assistance Express insurance – More information on making insurance claims

The telephone customer service of the insurer can be called 24 hours a day, on the following numbers:

If calling from Hungary, the primary emergency telephone number is: 06-80-104-122.

If calling from outside Hungary, or if the primary telephone number is unavailable, the following telephone number should be used: +43-1-525-03-6552.

Under the Assistance insurance, the insurer will not reimburse the costs of services used without prior notification and approval.

When making a claim, the following information must be provided to be able to use the insurer’s services:

  • the first name and the surname of the claimant;
  • the place of using the service;
  • the number of the Allianz Assistance Express insurance contract;
  • the contact details of the claimant;
  • the date of occurrence of the insured event;
  • the description of the insured event
  • the requested service and the data (name, mother’s name, date of birth and home address) of the persons wishing to use the service.

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Forms, sample contracts, templates, insurance conditions, info-sheets and other useful documents