Making a service claim under personal insurance 

Insured events occurring during the risk period must be reported to the insurer within 8 days of their occurrence, and the required information must be provided, the documents necessary for the payment of the insurance service must be attached, and an opportunity must be provided for checking the content of the claim and the information provided. If you fail to do so, and if it becomes impossible to ascertain the material circumstances as a result, the insurer may refuse to provide the insurance service.

You can report your insured event by using the following contact form:


You can also report your claim in the following ways:

  • by fax on the 06-1-488-1004 number;
  • by e-mail, in a message sent to the [email protected] address if the e-mail address from which the message has been sent is a previously recorded address attached to the sender;

For more information or for assistance with the submission of service claims, please call the Allianz telephone customer service on the +36 (1/20/30/70) 421-1-421 telephone number, and our colleagues will be happy to help you, or use our branch and consultant finder and consult our online sales representatives.